I wonder if it is okay to install CCTV in the dining/living area for security reason because it is entirely house for guests (absolutely no cameras in the bedrooms). Thanks for any advices.
You would have to CLEARLY state it on your listing then I would double check they have read your listing properly in a air message then I would perhaps have it printed out in written rules somewhere in the house / room.
As a prospective guest (I use airbnb to travel as well as host) I’d not book your - or any place - with indoor cameras. Not that I’m wanting to do anything dodgy (I’m a very good guest btw!), but just because I’d feel uncomfortable, and weirded out. I’d hope I was the kind of guest a host would feel able to trust, even though as a fellow host, I know there are some nightmare guests. When I’m paying for an ‘entire space’ I feel when I close the door, that space is private. Let us know what you decide, and how you get on?!
Hi Kirsty,
Thanks for your response. Do I need to clearly state it on my listing if the CCTV camera installed only outside house such as main entrance? Thanks.
Hi Caiti,
Thanks for your response. I understand most guests would not like to see cameras inside the house. My reason to install CCTV inside the lounge room is that I discover at least 3 bookings for 8-10 guests but 10-15 people stayed in! I charge per additional guest over 6 guests. They know my place is a big house from my listing and pictures so they do not mind sleeping on the floor in the lounge. I always discover the number of guests stay is exceed the number of guests booked. How can I stop this happen if no CCTV installation? Please advise. Thanks again.
Eep - that is so out of order, no wonder you’re feeling the need to increase security.
It’s very hard with an entire listing, isn’t it? I’ve had maybe two occasions where I’ve a strong suspicion that extra people have stayed, and two where the guest openly admitted it. In the latter case I charged them the extra, but as it was still within my max (3) it was ok (except I didn’t appreciate their sneakiness!).
I’ve heard of guests installing cameras on the doorstep (outside) as a monitor, and, more likely, a deterrent as the guests are made aware of it.
I do my best to have plenty of comms before they stay to try to get a ‘feel’ about the nature of the guests, and their plans and purpose for their visit. I’ve turned down a few who through discussion have been exposed in this way ( a guy planning to bring a ‘small visiting orchestra’ who were 'OK about sleeping on the floor - and ‘they’ll be ok as they’ve their own bedding’ !!! And another group who planned to have a ‘couple of people bunk in for a couple of nights’. …Erm, I think not! I turned them down. I know I’ll miss a few who are determined to cheat - but another thing I say in my listing, and comment to the prospective guests is that the neighbours are ‘very close at hand’ and ‘may well introduce themselves’, and will ‘keep me posted if there are any issues’. I say it as though it’s a reassurance for them ( which it is, we DO have friendly and helpful neighbours) …but clearly, the other ‘message’ is that there’s people keeping an eye on the comings and goings. I’ve informed some guests that I advise my nearest neighbours who to expect so they’re not surprised when they run across them in the courtyard/stairs (shared) - which I do…mostly. Again, I think it no harm for guests to feel that my neighbours know whether to expect a couple, or a party of three (and not a party of six or seven!). If you’ve a large space that is of course much harder.
Can you also perhaps big up your register, that needs full namesof all guests to be recorded for them to be insured during their stay? It is a genuine feature of our insurance, btw. Again this in itself won’t stop the determined cheat, but is another communication about the seriousness you place on an accurate headcount, and also demonstrates that their own best interests are compromised if they don’t comply.
Good luck!
CCTV cameras inside would be a definite turn-off. Unlisted, it would be reason enough for us to make a 180 and walk right back out the door. Listed, it would be reason enough not to book. Depending on where you live, it could be illegal. Outdoor cameras are a bit different, but there are also regulations in some places about where they can be pointed. It would still be appropriate to provide a guest fair warning.
It might be helpful to include in your rules that they must notify you for additional guests and that they are subject to refusal if not on the original reservation. It may also be useful to find the local statute on Defrauding an Innkeeper and posting that with your rules. If there are fines or worse in your location, that would be a good deterrent. I don’t think a lot of the travelers know the legal aspects to their stays, so putting that out there could rein this in.
That would be fine, I would have no issues with that.
To be frank if I were a guest I would not be comfortable to stay in a house with cctv cameras, but since you have a valid reason for installing the camera you can go ahead and install it. Like mentioned above you just have to notify your guest about the camera and get their consent whenever required. In some places the use of surveillance would be against the law so it is better to check with your local regulations before having them installed. Here is a blog from protection plus security solutions that mentions some legal requirements for installing cctv cameras http://protectionplus.ca/blog/what-are-the-legal-requirements-for-installing-cctv-cameras/
The important thing is to just let your guest know that you have the cameras installed.
Yes, It is okay to Install CCTV cameras in your dining/living are for security reason and it is also legal to install security cameras in our houses.You want to improve the security inside your house and it can be a good option.
By this you can protect your family members from criminal activities. It also helps you to control your children activities and control workers inside your house.
There are many CCTV installation companies in the market that can helps you to set up the CCTV cameras.
I hope this will helps you.
But would i rent it once I read about the internal CCTV cameras in your listing - ahhh NO!!!
I had a free trial membership at a gym and one thing I didn’t like was the 8 cameras in the workout area. I could not imagine them inside the accommodation.
I thought the purpose of the CCTVs outside the front entrance was to monitor how many people came in and how many left - being able to see how many stayed overnight, without being invasive.
@Aarone made a blanket statement about it being okay … and I doubt it. No one should install a camera inside without understanding their local laws. Airbnb has some pretty specific guidelines, too, about disclosure.
just install a camera in the front door so you can see how many people are entering in our home