Can we hosts only vaccinated people and ask for proof of vaccine?

Can we do that? I really don’t care about the non vaccinated people.

If it’s in your house rules then I would presume yes. What did AIRBNB say @adrienne12 ?

Here in the UK it’s fairly simply as it shows your vaccination on the NHS app.

If you make this a condition I would ask for proof at the time of booking. So you don’t have people turning up for check in without proof who you need to turn away.


Another host posted an Airbnb response in which they said she could host only vaccinated guests. I think it was about a week ago.
PS I just searched it. The host was mfl62. She posted 4 days ago.

Well, I was thinking of closing down temporarily, but adding “Pro Vax” to my listing title has worked a treat. The guest for the most recent inquiry provided the scheduled date for their second Pfizer shot, more info than I needed but certainly responsive!

I do not have shared space and would close down if I did. Other than the one shared duct I sealed off with a cut up popcorn tin, garbage bag and copious amounts of tape early in the pandemic.

I also recently purchased 2 Coway air purifiers, recommended by the NYT, one for the suite and one for my home office. I’ll add a mention of the air purifier to my listing.

Onward! Forward!

Oh, sorry I didn’t see her topic. Anyways I got a pb with a young lady from California. So I put the sentence that I only accept vaccinated people in the listing’s description. Yet not that many people read that so I ask. This lady IB me for one night at the last minute. When I asked if she was vaccinated she said no. I thought CA was pretty blue, bit that’s another story. So I told her I can’t host her and she needs to cancel because it’s in the description. She said she couldn’t and asked me to cancel, so long story short she threatened me with a nasty review if I don’t give her the entire amount. I do have a flexible cancelation policy but it’s less than 24 hours to her trip so I can’t give her the ABB’s fee. Told her to call customer service. At this point she starts harassing me. I called the customer service and they said it’s her fault and they’ll reach out to her to cancel. They did but she had the guts to lie and told them we had an agreement and that I let her stay. She didn’t want to cancel in order to give me the promised bad review. Crazy anti-waxer! So young and brain washed. And vindicative.

I contacted Airb&b and they confirmed you can indeed allow only vaccinated guests. They said I could add it to the house rules. Also they noted I could take off insta-booking whereby guests must agree to house rules before booking and contact you for booking approval. In other words, they must request a stay with you rather than book instantly. That way you could stipulate beforehand you will accept the booking only if they are fully vaccinated. I am currently pondering which way is the best way to go. With insta-booking you can cancel a stay if you are uncomfortable with it based on reasons as put forward by Airb&b. Otherwise, once you accept a booking it is much harder to cancel without consequences. In my opinion whatever booking system you use, it would be wise to state words to the effect that only fully vaccinated are welcome and perhaps provide proof of such before arrival or upon request at arrival. I know there have been comments regarding falsified vaccination records but what non vaxed person would go to that length? Never underestimate stupidity. Bottom line is, I am fully vaccinated and expect the same from guests.

Personally, we don’t care if they are vaccinated, are breathing or have a heartbeat. We do care that they have a valid credit card and no bad reviews. That’s about it.
That aside, anything in your House Rules is applicable, IB or not. Since Guests don’t read another option for IB is this. But, since it is an extra step for a Guest, it is one more thing that can go wrong.


I have stipulated this requirement in my house rules as that is what Airb&b told me I had a right to do.

The Airbnb policy statement below was just brought to my attention. Looks like they are trying to stop hosts from saying “Here’s a place to quarantine,” or “Guaranteed COVID-Free” or even “Vaccinated People Not Allowed,” but it looks like the “Pro-Vax” in my listing title may be an unintentional technical violation?:

Hosts can set their own house rules, including specifying in their listing description if they require guests to be vaccinated or recently tested for COVID-19, unless prohibited under applicable laws or regulations.

Airbnb hosts and guests may not post or share content on or through the Airbnb platform that:

  • Encourages others to ignore applicable health or travel advisories (including discouraging others from getting the COVID-19 vaccine or denying guests because they are vaccinated against COVID-19)
  • Encourages others to have gatherings that violate health restrictions
  • Promises that listings are not impacted by or exposed to COVID-19
  • Includes any health information specific to COVID-19, or links to resources not included in Airbnb’s Coronavirus updates in the Resource Center
  • Offers activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Incentivizes bookings through COVID-19-related discounts, stocks of limited resources, or the highlighting of quarantine-friendly listing attributes
  • References COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, or quarantine in listing titles
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Yes, I would remove “Pro-vax” from the listing title, instead stating at the beginning of your listing description, "Please note: House Rules for this listing include accepting Covid vaccinated guests only.

I’m leaving pro vax in my title until Airbnb explictly tells me I can’t include that information. If and when that happens I’ll consider my next steps.

My title doesn’t incentivize anyone, and doesn’t say I only accept vaccinated guests. It doesn’t mention covid other than Airbnb’s mention of it under the “enhanced clean” section.

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It’s true that “Pro-vax” could arguably just be the way someone chooses to identify, like saying “Dog lover”.

Never a dull moment in Airbnb land. Always some “What exactly does this mean”? :thinking: