Not a big issue but would you comment on a review where the guest used the wrong name in their writeup?
It is a five star review but it begins: “Terri and Frank…” My husband’s name is not Frank…not even close!
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Not a big issue but would you comment on a review where the guest used the wrong name in their writeup?
It is a five star review but it begins: “Terri and Frank…” My husband’s name is not Frank…not even close!
Nope, not worth a comment. Also people frequently refer to me as “he” and my pronoun is “she.”
One of our last reviews totally misgendered Himself (we travel using his account, not mine) which was a bit confusing but no big deal.
It’s a five star review! Don’t worry about the names. Anyone reading your profile will realize the name Frank was an innocent mistake.
For all anyone knows, “Frank” isn’t even a mistake- it could have been a co-host or someone else who was helping you out. It’s immaterial.
I really do dislike being referred to as ‘she’.
Here in the UK we have a saying ‘Who’s she? The cat’s mother?’
Please lovely people in USA, do refer to your hosts by name!
Yes! My mum used to say that all the time when we were kids to teach us to be more polite.