Broken toilet while guest is here

Glad you all are expert plumbers in the thread earning $100 an hour and being rude to me because I know nothing about it. For the billionth time NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE COMFORTABLE DIAGNOSING/REPAIRING PROBLEMS THEMSELVES. Next time I have a repair issue about ANYTHING in my home while there is a guest I know where I am not posting.

I’m done in this thread. Bye.

I understand your frustration. There is a tendency on this board for people to offer advise that wasn’t requested. People really should have limited themselves to advising you on the amount of the refund to give the guest as that is what you asked.

@southernbuckeye we’re all fellow hosts and first and foremost we’re here to offer support. In a situation that could be easily rectified and could have saved you having to refund your guest, we would have been remiss if we didn’t share our knowledge. Sometimes (and I’m speaking generally now) we ask questions but not always the right ones, simply because we don’t know any better. I for one prefer a forum where people come from a spirit of helpfulness, a place where I can expand my knowledge and avoid pitfalls because people are willing to help out.

I too am a single woman hosting and horrible at DIY, I used to have to get my scooter oil changed by a mechanic (and trust me I have since learned this is an easy job that I never needed to pay £30 for) but eventually I just had to go for it and see what would happen. Learning new skills isn’t always easy but it’s often worthwhile.

Nobody here is crowing… we all share the annoyance of a common appliance breaking and putting guests out… and the annoyance of lost profits. Everyone here was trying to save you from a shitty review and a loss in income, if not now in the future.


Sheesh, kind of an overreaction don’t you think? Yes goodbye.


Then it would be an awfully boring board and threads. Honestly, Zandra said it correctly.

We were only trying to help. And in doing so got shat upon, if you will forgive the pun. :smiley:


And what did we get? Flushed down the drain! What a silly flap it all was.

At least now, let’s hope she’s realized that those flapper things are dead easy to replace or, in this case, reposition.


Much a doo-doo about nothing!


I have even cleaned mine off to have it seal better…!!! No replacement needed. Ok I’ll stop now!

The old one would even make a nice Christmas tree ornament. Some glitter maybe? A cut out cameo of your pet glued in the middle?

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Indeed. And furthermore the OP (who has left and won’t be reading this) was contributing to the anti-Airbnb feelings that are winging around the internet. I appreciate that the guest was seemingly understanding but so many people claim to be understanding about situations because they are too timid to be otherwise. I would have been appalled at having no working loo and I imagine that the guest felt the same way. She might be telling her friends to never stay in an Airbnb - bad news for us all.

I’m not a DIY person either but hosts have a responsibility to be able to fix simple issues for the sake of their guests. Fresh water, electricity, heat or AC (whichever is applicable), showers and loos are essential for civilised life - preferably internet too.

Sometimes we’ve had power outages, the water has been off or the internet has been down but these have been due to the relevant companies and not us. But in every instance, we have been able to offer the guests contingency plans.

I once went on a three day cruise and 50% of the ship’s loos packed up, as did the AC - and this was in the Bahamas in July! It was an awful situation but try as we might (and believe me, I tried!) we could not get any sort of refund. (Major cruise line).

What members here were trying to do for the OP was to show her that it was a simple fix that would save her money and, should it happen again, ensure that guests weren’t inconvenienced. (NPI). Surely it was worth passing on that information?


I agree. Asking a guest to use a shared, stagnant loo for hours is a huge inconvenience when a simple remedy would have fixed it. You may think it’s gross to stick your hand in the tank to adjust the flapper, but I assure you it’s far worse to have to use a loo that can’t be fliushed for days.

I don’t understand it. I would have moved heaven and earth to make sure that guest had a working loo. But that is just me.

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Because it isn’t gross. It’s clean water in there straight from the pipes.

And me too.

Goodness, so many terribly precious people on here sometimes! I’m not very handy with fixing a toilet but I would have been SO appreciative of all the attempts to help.

I need to know what the hell is a flapper, though? To me it’s a glamorous f***-you girl from the 1920’s

@Magwitch. Or this:

Flappers that don’t Dance

LOL, is that what it’s called? I had no idea. I like the dancing one best, though!

edit: it’s usually the chain that breaks isn’t it?

So I think you should find out what is the problem which is leaded to broken toilet. And then giving the solution suitably.

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