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Hi all. I’m new to this hosting thing. I try to set up my place to be let in one block of time only, from date x to date y. I only want to host it to one person in that block of time. I can’t for the life of me find out how to set that up on the hosting. Any tips? Thanks in advance.
Hi @HostDirk, I think I understand what your trying to achieve. Going into ‘Manage Listing and Calendar’ then near the top right of the screen (I am working on a laptop) click on ‘Availability Settings’ and under ‘Booking Window’ select ‘make dates unavailable by default’ which blocks out your whole calendar. Then go down to minimum and maximum days and change them. THEN in your actual calendar, click and drag on the time period you’d like to make available then click ‘available’ and ‘save’.
Clear as mud??