Big Thank You from Airbnb. True story

Exactly… I have three whole apartment listings rented out full-time, am a superhost, and have over 600 reviews at this point. I’m not sure if I get better service as a result (I talk to the same reps everyone else does) but I suspect they’re less stingy with me.

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Wow that’s amazing, not something I’ve heard to Airbnb doing before @cooperjto

Luckily I’ve never had additional guests who haven’t paid rock up or had guests damage my place, but if I do, I will certainly try your approach.

I have had guests use a BS excuse to try to cancel before coming and I said no and geuss what?They all managed to come anyway despite their “emergency”!

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I am right there with you diamond54. Except if it doesnt put me out too often. Here is a particular dilemna I have had recently. A guy booked about 3 mths ago. A few weeks later he wanted to defer, I said sure (I think I even posted a thread here about using deferment to avoid loss from STRICT cancellation policy). Then again. Then again. But this time with only a week to go. Luckily it re-booked almost immediately. However, we are now in the busy period start. And if he defers and no one books I start to loose big money (big to me). So all bets are off. And I have learned my lesson. Maybe just foolish.

He was very friendly.
You did good.
Yes it’s great to share our good stories.
To make an impact.


I discovered it is very important to put in your rules on line the number of guests the guests are allowed. My place is for 5 people only, usually only 2 adults. I make exceptions for adult children, good friends. The point… my four guests for the long weekend had 11 family members (staying at an acommodation for 8 down the road) come play in the hot tub (5 children/6 adults) and enjoy the rest of my amenities. No rule anywhere, there was nothing i could do.
I immediately changed my rules on the airbnb site to only 4 guests allowed until 10 PM

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