Best way to encourage longer-stay guests?

@Scottk42 Scott, I suggest that you set a minimum stay for periods 60-90 days from now and offer lower rates for those periods to encourage advance bookings for longer periods; if those longer periods are not booked then you gradually reduce minimum number of days and increase the rate you charge as the dates get closer and closer.
As for offering 30% discount for longer stays, I find that it’s excessive but you know your market best ( I used to offer 8%, then went to 4% discount, and now I don’t offer any discount at all for longer stays although I reduce my rates for dates well in advance to encourage advance bookings).

Try offering a lower price on the weekdays. I also offer 1 days bookings, instant bookings until 2 pm of same days. I’m booked about 90 percent from May - October and then about 75-85 percent the rest of the year.

It also makes a difference where you are located and if your are a holiday destination. I get business travelers, one-daters coming from the airport late at night and then traveling on to other locations.

Another thing you can try is to send a message to the booked guests offering them discounted nighter right before and after their stay.

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This isn’t a booking via Rover, he’s an Airbnb guest with a dog. During our meet and greet and discussions it was verbally agreed that I could watch his dog from time to time at no extra charge. Things like it was an unexpectedly long work day, could I let Tank out? Like any Airbnb guest I won’t be going into the room unless it’s an emergency or pre-arranged.

Also, this guest has stayed with me three times previously and tried to stay or discussed staying a couple of others. All this is to say, we aren’t friends but we do have a good working relationship.

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Scottk42 before use the ABB platform I advertised old school with small printed brochures, I have done quite well with midweek reservations, this is a list of the places I distributed them:

  • Real Estate Offices
  • Boat Charters
  • Hospital
  • Every small business local to my place.
  • Any outdoor store
  • Car rental
  • any bulletin board I could find.
    *airport, bus depot & taxi

Off season locals keep me going.
I don’t do super long term rentals or % discounts, but I do offer a night free after 6 days.
It really depends on what style of accomodation you offer and where you are located.
Good Luck

Appreciate the replies and suggestions guys, good stuff.

I contacted airbnb customer service… pretty hilariously awful. Never heard of this feature and told me to suggest it.


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1 star that rep to oblivion :wink:
I had one so bad once I said I am finished talking because you don’t understand me. I let them close the ticket and I got someone else who had reading comprehension.

I told them ‘please find someone who has heard of this feature to help me.’ lol

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Looks like I’m out of luck, oh well.

Funny I wonder how they define “going well”. I presume the bean counters for Air know.

Couldn’t agree more. I’m happy with one nighters only :+1:

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I have a separate self contained space and I drop my prices 20% during the week so I get retirees, shift workers etc who are happy to book during the week for a “bargain”. Apart from the extra cleaning I prefer 2-3 days as it usually gives me a day to myself and the cleaner isn’t on a strict time limit between guests. I set my max time at 7 days but would rather not apart from the money.

I understood it wasn’t a rover booking but in understand you do Rover.

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I have a Rover account. It’s inactive now but whenever I activate it I usually pick up a good client and then shut it down again. I get more than enough work through referrals and Rover fees are high.

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