Best way to encourage longer-stay guests?

Hmm I don’t see anywhere where you can offer a percent off for certain stays. I only see weekly, and monthly discounts.

They do. go to listings, click the listing then go to pricing, then go to custom length of stay.


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Listing > Booking settings > Length of stay prices > Add custom length of stay

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Doesn’t seem to be available for me.

I took screenshots but the forum is restricting my access to uploading images.

Do you have to enable smart pricing or something? I can’t do smart pricing because I’m using automated pricing apps.

No. It does not require smart pricing, I don’t use it.

I feel like I"m taking crazy pills.

Here is my screenshot showing my available options when I click Length of Stay Discounts
add imgur DOT com before this /qxDax5C.png

Here is a screenshot showing my options when I click Pricing

add imgur DOT com before this /mlH3UHK.png

Is that from the app or browser?


You are right though, my version looks different. I use the app. This is your version at the imgur link (for the benefit of others reading along).

Very odd, I checked on my phone and its the same. I dont have the option that states “Add custom length-of-stay” Do you have to be a superhost? I only started hosting a month ago.

I am not a super host, either. Call support.

Ok, thanks so much for your help

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Let us know what you find out. I am curious now.

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Scott, since it seems like you aren’t up to any shenanigans I’ve adjusted your settings so you should be able to post your own links or screen shots.


How can we really know…

Lol, welcome to the forum Scott, as you have already discovered this is a very useful place. Try not to take things personally we can be blunt, and we can be wrong. Take the best and leave the rest.

Looking forward to your contributions @Scottk42



so freaking true. 7 days is way too long for me. 22 days? they’ll destroy something.

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If the there is no market for work guests or relocated I dont see how you can attract longer stay s.
I dont want to host anymore one or few days stays ,
But I have plenty of market for people who look for temporary accommodations a month or more . . I have casino near by, and plenty of big business such as banks, hospital and marinas .

For me short term guests became a real nuisance,
With bed changing, non stop cleaning and dealing with different characters.
Try more days minimum and see how it goes

You can do custom length discounts now too. I list one for 2 weeks in addition to the weekly and monthly. They are 5/10/15% for the cheaper listings and 10/15/20% for the less cheap listings.

With a German Shepherd Dog too! But actually I think this is going to work out very well for me. It’s a guy in the military who has stayed here before (with his now wife, not with dog) but I’m going to keep an ear on the dog and let him out if the work days get long. We will see.

I have found that my bookings on Airbnb tend to be between 2-3 days and mostly weekends. But bookings from VRBO/HomeAway typically range from 3 to 7 days. My minimum stay for Airbnb is 2 days and for VRBO/HomeAway is 3 days. Might be worth while to try VRBO and put in a longer minimum stay. My bookings from Air and VRBO are about 50/50. I don’t discount any length of stay and it’s working for me.

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I’m sure you are aware as a fellow Roverite, but be sure the guests agrees to have you handle his dog before doing so. Some of my best guests have been fellow Roverite Airbnb hosts as well! :dog: :house: