Best guest experience you've had?

all my guests have been good so far, but my last one was particualry good,not only were they lovely peole but i earned a bunch of new items

they wanted to buy there own hypoallergenic expensive pillows and duvet inner so they brought online and shipped them to the airbnb. equaled about $300

then they brought me a $150 coffee machine as a present and they left it all when they went back overseas! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

has anyone else had any experiences worth sharing


Best thing I got was a $25 gift card to Petsmart but at $50 a night Iā€™m sure no one will buy me a $150 coffee machine. In terms of behavior, gratitude, cleanliness, charm, talent, helpfulness and so on Iā€™ve had too many exceptional guests to choose just one best experience.


Me too. But Iā€™ve also had many gift cards (mostly to restaurants but also to the cinema), brand new books, bottles of wine (once a bottle of Scotch), boxes of chocolates and plenty of times a ten, twenty - or on one occasion - fifty dollar bills along with nice little notes.

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I have had a guest couple insist on taking me out to a fancy restaurant on the water. They must have spent $200 on dinner. Too bad it was one of the overpriced tourist places!!! I was embarrassed at how bad the food was! Not that it stopped me from ordering the steak. :rofl:


Lots of thank you cards, several bottles of wine & bubbly, choccies and a few cash tips. Never more than Ā£25 :slight_smile: I did have one of my first guests take me out on the toot in town. That was a blast and a half, heh.

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We just had the most wonderful Korean couple leave. They were super respectful, nice and fun to have in our home, and yesterday we cooked a Korean meal together. Which was totally great, because no one in our family had ever eaten something Korean. And to top it all off, today the girl gave me a tiny scarf for my tiny cuddle toy donkey ā€œBurrito - El burrito viajeroā€. She had knitted the scarf in the last 3 days and it was the first thing she has ever knitted. To me itā€™s one of the best presents I have ever gotten, and Burrito is also totally over the moon with it :blush:.


This morning, our guests left a lovely note and a bottle of Philosophy shower gel/bubble bath. I thought that was such a sweet gift for a host, and I canā€™t wait to use it!

I had a one-night guest leave a $100 bill tucked in our guest book. I was pretty shocked by that, to be honest. We have received candy, liquor, $10, $20, etcā€¦ Most people write lovely notes in our guest book, and I truly cherish those. They are the gift that keeps on giving. Our first guest started our ā€œguest bookā€ in a blank notebook, and most everyone writes in it.

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My guest book is my favourite part too! I get so sad when the occasional guest doesnā€™t write anything !


No way! received a $100 bill?! Wow!

Have you ever posted the link to your VR on here? Iā€™m sure all us hosts would love to see it!

You say you cherish the ā€œlovely notesā€ in your guest book because ā€œthey are the gift that keeps givingā€. Heck, the gift that would ā€œkeep givingā€ to me is $100 left in the pages of my Guest Bookā€¦or in any other place. :smile:

I really looked forward to reading my Guest Book. There were about 10 pages of the 300 pages filled out. Then, someone decided it was a pretty cool book and apparently put it in their suitcase.


Weā€™ve had so many. This is the payoff - meeting interesting persons from around the globe. We love the little gifts, notes and cards. On any given night we can be hosting a schoolteacher from New Hampshire to the CEO of Warner Bros. Weā€™ve had photographers - big names and amateurs, authors, cattlemen, and artists. Itā€™s like being Mr. Rourke on Fantasy Island. :slight_smile:


I have never received cash, aside from spare change, but a couple years ago, guests who had booked Christmas week texted to ask me my favorite colors and brought me a hammock from Ecuador. They were a sweet couple from Switzerland on a round the world holiday, traveling from Air to Air.

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pics please! ā€¦

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I was shocked myself! To be completely honest (and this is so hokey), I keep it on my fridge off to the side next to my check-in calendar. It lifts my spirits when Iā€™m having a tough guest day. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll spend it one day, but it has also become the gift that keeps on giving in its own right.

I have not posted my listing before, but thank you for asking. Iā€™ve been a bit shy, but I will share it. :slight_smile:



Oh, I just looked at your posting on the other thread (ā€œShow off your Airbnb listingā€) and itā€™s lovely ā€“ so light, bright and cheerful!


i had so many good ones but Carlos definitely stole my heart. To the point that I wanted my daughter to marry him and have his babies . Butā€¦ he was already married .



Whoaā€¦itā€™s all in the (hot) details!

You win my award for the Best Guest Experience of them all!

(It fed MY fantasies anyway!) :smile:


Thank you so muchā€“that means a great deal to me! :slight_smile: