Best 3rd party tools

Hello fellow host! I’ve been a host for just over a year now and I think it has been pretty successful for us. We currently have a home listed only on ABB that we manage through our personal calendar and excel spreadsheets. We’re looking to add at least two more properties over the next 6 months, but want to do our research to maximize our investment and figure out to best way to manage multiply listing. I’ve been looking into the various 3rd party tool and the two that I’m the most interested in are the analytic tools (Airdna, Mashvisor, etc…) and management tools (Guestly, Hostaway, etc…). I’ve tried to find reviews on all of them, but it all seems pretty lacking. So, I’m hoping this community might point to which is the best and most useful option in each.

Also, how many of you list in multiple places like ABB, VRBO and the others platforms?


My response might not be on point but with multiple properties you might want to consider a service like OwnerRez.

For pricing I’ve started using Wheelhouse, which some Hosts here use.

Have you also explored the political environment of these additional properties as many jurisdictions have restricted short-term rental properties or are considering doing so, especially where the Host does not live on the property?

I’ll be eager to see the responses to your post and good luck in your endeavors!

PS We use both Airbnb and VRBO. We prefer VRBO but get many more listings from Airbnb. Advice here is to diversify and not be dependent on just one platform like Airbnb.

I’ve been hosting for about a year too, and just started a paid subscription for my area using AirDNA. I really like the info it provides so far, but am annoyed that you pay for subscriptions by city limits, not the whole metro area. I like that I can divide the data up by number of bedrooms and number of guests to accurately compare my property to others. I was only listing on Air, but ADNA informed me that 11% of bookings come from VRBO, and 23% of hosts list on both, so I added VRBO.

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Great, thanks for the info!

As of right now, we’ve been looking pretty hard at Guestly. It’s seems to be pretty complete as far as a management tool goes.

Luckily, the areas we’re searching in has no restriction on short term rentals. I did do some digging and it doesn’t seem to be a topic with in these cities… at east for now!

OwnerRez seems to be the best around. I use it and am happy with it.