Automated Locks, Thermostats that work with Airbnb

OK, so I am going to try to remotely manage my property this winter and need to get everything in place.

Here’s my dilemma:

  1. I have a key coded lock on the front door and one on the suite. I have very old doors so I had to go with key coded locks that fit the doors.

  2. Is there a brand that you love that works with your phone/code generated locks that would sync both door locks with the same code and also have a timer for when it’s active and inactive?

  3. I also need to be able to control my thermostat with my phone - recommendations?

Can’t help you with the automated door locks, but I use Hive to control my heating system.

Not sure if it’s available where you are.

As always, CCTV, home insurance for STRs and a local co-host/cleaners are key essentials for remote hosting.

Good luck.

I have these in place already. I go out of town often but never for a whole month. My bro offered me a place to stay in FL over the winter (with my pets) so I’m thinking of taking him up on it.

Don’t know where you are normally based, but a month in the sun over the winter sounds lovely.

And always worth mentioning the remote host essentials - it’s amazing how many remote hosts don’t have any or some of these essentials.

I’ll be interested to see the input on this.

I’m going to be away for a month this coming winter as well. Given my experiences trying to host while away I don’t think I’m willing to do it. My best option, and maybe yours, is to hope for a longer term booking that starts before you leave. Maybe you could create a rule set for that time away where people will only see your listing if they are searching for a longer term. Or if you could find a student or traveling medical professional.

It always seems the battery backup in the smoke alarm goes out while I’m out of pocket. I had a door lever fail last month and prevent the opening of the door from the outside. Thinking about that happening if I’m not here to fix it gives me nightmares.

Giving up the money is painful but dealing with problems remotely from the other side of the world is more painful…for me.


Already trying to find a long term rental. I am creating a second listing. The problem is that I need the income to pay my mortgage. I have a person I feel comfortable with to oversee and do change-overs but it’s the drug dealer/pimp bookings I’m concerned about. Sadly, In the winter I get a lot of 1 night bookings for the airport. When my spider senses thing that a booking could go bad I stay home and make my self very visible. I think I have one coming this Wednesday so I’ll be out doing yard work. All guests need to be pre-approved 2 days prior so I can claim trespassing. Probably prevent any guests on the winter booking.

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Don’t do one night bookings or allow late/last minute bookings. I have a two night minimum and cutoff at 4PM for same day.

I didn’t realize you were close to the airport. I was looking at listings near Boston Logan for my trip I just returned from. I ended up flying out of Portland ME but got stuck in BWI. I should have Amtraked back to BOS and flown out of there.

I use the August lock I also have a hide a key in a key lock just in case. For my thermostat I use Nest, it also connects to my BigAss fans. I’m in Florida I need my place to stay cool.

FYI - it’s always less expensive if you can take a bus into South or North Station than Amtrak.

There are plenty of choices here, depending on your budget and demands.

I run a Tado° system, this system can control multiple room and radiator thermostats for individual room control.

But there are plenty of others like Honeywell and Nest if you have a simpler setup.

Pat on the back for you for getting organized before you kick of remote hosting.

Hope you have found locks that suit your needs, and the thermostat idea is good too - I’e heard good things about NEST, certainly saves you the hassle of guests playing with the temperature!

Have you considered sensors too? For example a motion sensor to turn lights off when not in use (saving you money on the electric bill) and a water leak sensor will help prevent problems.

Sensors can also be integrated with automation software, to allow you to create rules on how you want home automation devices to respond when a sensor detects an event. For example, you can set up a rule that stops the HVAC from running while the front door is open to save energy.

I hope you get everything sorted anyway - good luck and happy hosting!

I don’t think I’d enjoy the bus experience compared to a train and I thought the $24 fare was a bargain. Of course I never ride a train out here in the West.

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The one that I use is August. The integration has been very good and you can specifically choose which locks to give your guests access to. August also has a keypad, so guests don’t need an app and each guest gets their own unique number that is automatically generated and automatically sets to expire.

For thermostat I would recommend Ecobee. I’ve used it for years and it hasn’t failed.

Does Ecobee allow you to set a minimum AC temp? I just had guests that were heavy AC users, had the temp as low as 65 degrees,

I am in Maine where heating costs have a huge impact on profits for STR. I have Sensi in all my rentals as well as my home and for STR’s I manage and love them. I also let guests know if they are going out for the day please turn down to 65 degrees or so and call me an hour prior to return and I will turn heat up for them, right from my phone with no need to enter their premises. No complaints from guests after 2 years. I also turn down when I see abuse of my heat such as one guy that kept it up at 76 degrees when he went to work for the day - I told them my thermostats had an auto setback if no human interaction in 4 hours or more. I love my Sensi thermometers and I can schedule or regulate as needed and they are very affordable. They also alert me to hummidity levels and works for central air conditioning too, which I don’t have.

They also respond to Alexa so I can sit at my desk if I don’t want to look at my phone.

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Do you know if I have two locks (front door and suite door) if the same code can be set up for both?

Yes. The same code is automatically set up for both if the guest has access to both doors in your Airbnb sync settings.

One thing that should be noted is that each door requires its own Wifi Connect box within range of each lock. The Connect units are how Airbnb registers the codes on each lock automatically.

I think you can set minimums and maximums, but I don’t know if you can lock those settings to where a guest couldn’t change it.

What I do is have an automated schedule. That way a guest can change it, but it will revert back after the next schedule prompt. The guest would not be able to access the schedule from the unit, only you would have access from the app.

I was also looking to remotely manage my property & ended up signing up for Neome - so far it’s been great!! They automatically create new lock codes for each guest and their thermostat has smart controls to save energy based on the reservation schedule. You can also control all the devices through the app, too. Here’s their website: