I know the summer is a big travel time for families and groups, but does anyone have any info for August trends? I know here in San Jose, California kids go back to school at the end of August. I have been booked solid this summer, but so far I haven’t had any interest for August. I’m assuming people will book last minute at this point.
I’m in West Oakland CA (entire flat for rent) and I am booked solid. I am pretty much booked solid through mid-October… I just started hosting and I had no idea it would book up so fast! I notice that in September and October, there are more German and British coming to visit…
My August calendar was completely unbooked until just recently. It seemed kind of weird since July was completely filled and September was 75% booked while August was completely empty.
School starts in Colorado in late August, but most of our guests come from out of state.
Coincidence. I was just looking at my calendar so I have the info to hand. It traditionally the slow season here from now until the end of October but for August, I only have five days available and the bookings I have were mostly made some time ago. The guests are all couples - one British, one from Russia and the others from the States. I suspect though that non-USA guests book further in advance? And for the USA ones, they are young couples so the back to school thing probably doesn’t affect them.
We are in SF and are only legally allowed to rent for 90 days. So, I ‘save’ my days from May-Aug, when we are booked solid for July and 80% the rest of the time. We also get a bump around the big conferences in Oct and mid Sept. I would say being a host in SF for 7+ years, the middle of Aug seems to start slowing down as we get into the less busy season.
We’ve got a PhD candidate gathering data for his dissertation on the Florida citrus industry, who has booked for 22 days in August, I wouldn’t normally take such a long term booking, but August is the doldrums in SW Florida…