Augmenting Airbnb with other Booking Sites

Hello everyone:

My business partner and I run a small Airbnb operation in the downtown of a major North American city. The townhouse has five bedrooms of which four are listed on Airbnb as private rooms. The fifth is my business partner’s primary residence. We would like to augment Airbnb with other channels and are looking for recommendations.

In this forum’s collective opinion which other sites are most appropriate for private room (not full home) listings and can we expect a positive / negative % price differential when compared to Airbnb.

Thank you

I’d do a search for other posts where this has already been covered in some depth.

Vacationhosting.Com at will be a good option for your business. It allows hosts to post available Properties including private rooms for nightly, weekly and monthly rentals. You can also post Experiences and Rides.