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Interesting. According to the article there are 450,000 hosts but I’d read a higher number elsewhere like 650,000. And frankly I thought there were more than that. Maybe that’s just a US number?

I don’t know any current teachers who are also Airbnb hosts but I know some that are ride share drivers.

Like you, I’m thinking the 450K is USA only. I know two retired teachers doing rentals and one current teacher seeking to purchase a house that could be easily used for rental (she would live upstairs and rent out the downstairs or something similar)

I’m a teacher : ) My husband as well. Our salary isn’t so bad but it’s the medical insurance premium that takes a big bite out of the paycheck.


For short term rental or a lease? I’d be so nervous to make that kind of investment for STR.


Looking for house with finished basement with STR or LTR Potential close to a university.

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I wonder if they are only counting those that are licensed?

I doubt it. Most hosts aren’t licensed and aren’t required to be licensed. I’m not.

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I’m technically required to have a license but only 4% or so actually do in this area. They only bust you if someone complains, and I got the letter. I know who it was. I have a busybody in my cul de sac that was always running over and approaching guests asking what they were doing. I have max occupancy of three, renters. Mind your own business!

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Yes. I have a busy body neighbor too. I think a dirty sock and duct (use 121) tape could do wonders for her ability to get along with people (ok ME).

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hahaha. this strikes a cord. I spend way too much time thinking of the evil things I could do to her. She has been a bane to my existence for 17+ years now. Get a life lady!

That is exactly what I have. Works well.

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I think I’m part of this 1 in 10 statistic as a college professor. I probably I checked “education” as my field when I created my account. I’d drive for Lyft too if I had a nice enough car!


Everywhere I’ve ever lived there is one of these, putting up notes for everyone at the apartment entrance, noting everyone’s guests, assuming they are all sex partners and making up rumors, monitoring how long you leave your washing on the line after it’s dried. Boring! Every course I’ve ever done has one of those know-it-alls too. This is why we need yoga :woman_in_lotus_position: and camomile tea :tea:. He he

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So annoying. She has this thing about parking near her house on a PUBLIC STREET. she will leave us notes on our car if we park near it for an hour or two. This is only when other neighbors park in front of our place. She’s always walking around bugging somebody. When I see her headed my way I go in the house and shut the shutters!

I have a neighbor like that but I avoid her for different reasons. And it seems all the neighbors do because I’ll seen her head over to one neighbor, get no answer, go to another one, get no answer. It’s a little sad really. Luckily she has help that comes over every day so I don’t have to worry if her porch light stays on or her trash cans don’t get taken out anymore.

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