I have bad luck. The city was attacted …now the international tourists avoid to visit france, germany, Norway, Spain, England ect…
Dhaka, Baghdad, Damascus…
I would travel to Europe. I would be more reluctant to visit Egypt, or Middle East countries. I am in NYC so we are always a target and I won’t stop my life due to fear.
I have the best year so far.
Tourists stay within Europe instead of going to Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Tunesia or Marocco.
We had an American student at the time of the attacks in Nice and the coup in Turkey. It was her first time in Europe so it was quite intense. We discussed a lot about it, (we’re in the Northern Europe and some of the tourists that have stayed in our place have said that they chose this destination instead of France or Central Europe because of the “safety”). Many of my friends travel a lot and none of them have stopped travelling. But it has effected the ambiance greatly. I just saw a documentary how in Mont Saint Michel the hotels were closed for months and many local people lost their jobs for some time… At the moment it seams that Northern Europe is very popular within the Asian guests. But let’s see what happens. People are worried.
(I cancelled my trip to France, but I’m going there in autumn)…
People are worried about the wrong things.
More tourists die from making selfies, than from terrorist attacks each year.
Actually the chance of getting killed from a terrorist attack is very low.
For me it is the opposite. I know how scared people become, and book trips to those locations at bargain prices the week following “an event.” Paris and Istanbul are two of my favorite places in the world, and right now, they are a bargain. I get to see all the cousins at a reduced fare.
Turkey’s tourist industry has been hit very badly in recent years because of this. But people will always go to Paris, no matter what. Same for London. Where are you based, @KIKI?
I don’t dare to go to Norway because of the shooting case. But now it seems that no place in the world is safe.what a shame…
OK. Thanks K9. The recent incident in Munich was not terrorist-related. But I guess some tourists will not understand that. My own opinion is that if people are frightened and don’t feel capable of rationally weighing up the travel risks then yes, they should stay at home. The rest of us, meanwhile, will carry on as normal.
So because 0.00000001% of a country dies in a billion to 1 chance due to a terror attack in a bunch of random countries people cancel their holidays because it’s far too dangerous to go there now.
Good job media. Scaring people for a quick buck. Clap clap clap. Haha
*disclaimer: the stats are made up for effect and have in no way been researched
I get a few guests who are Muslim and even once a Syrian refugee but they were all exceptionally cosmopolitan, non-fundamentalist, well-educated and wonderful guests. In the back of my mind I’m always wondering, “Could I be hosting a sleep cell terrorist?” and I empathize with the suspicion they have to deal with on a daily basis.
I am in Paris. I put my listing on Air six weeks before the November attacks. For two months after the attacks my listing views dropped to zero, then things slowly turned back to normal after the holiday season.
After the attack in Nice (it’s the first summer for years I am not in Nice on the promenade des anglais for Bastille day… because I am managing my Airbnb listing), I was very anxious to see the same drop in views and reservations, but for the moment, business is going fine. I think that in some way people get used to the terror…
I would be very surprised that the shooting in Munich has any effect on the hospitality sector in this city.
Oh dear! I only just worked out who this is. It’s an interesting subject nonetheless.
If you grew up in the 1960s and early 70s (as I did) in England then you’d know all about terrorism being on your doorstep. It’s not a new thing. People still travel and if they don’t then they are playing into the hands of the terrorists.
As @Paul_Janaway says, the chances these days of being caught in a terrorist attack are minimal.
Yes, you are more likely to be killed in a car accident driving to work each day. However most of my travel in recent years has been in communist countries and I always feel safe - Cambodia, Vietnam, China.
I would advice you to not get out of bed at all, it is a dangerous world out there.
You have a bigger chance of getting struck by lightning, then getting attacked by a terrorist.
Narrow minded…
For me the coin dropped at “Norway because of the shooting case”. (She must me non european, because no european would ever say this).
No, unfortunately not. But it has big effects for example for the children. I know that many of my friends in France and Belgium are in big trouble because their children have such anxieties as a result of these attacks…