Anyone else having to reset passwords?

Yes, had same thing happen yesterday. After 4.5 years on the platform, it would not let me log in. error message read: “Please use a valid login method” Kept kicking me off. Would not allow access to the pp on my phone either. When I called CS, she had the nerve to say, Do you think you used the wrong password?. She said that no one had reported any issues. That nothing was wrong with the system.

I found a great way to keep track of the guests and their phone numbers! It’s on the Reservations Page.

You can either export a file or print (save as a pdf). It will export or print whatever guests you filter for. I made a file for past guests and another of upcoming guests, that will have to be updated with new reservations. It lists their name, unit, dates, phone number, number of guests, confirmation number and your payout amount in a nice little spreadsheet or chart.

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Interesting. I just tried that. We have 9 pages of reservations listed in Airbnb, and I can’t get the downloaded file to contain even 1 full page.

I’ve tried setting the date range to start with our very first reservation (04/01/2017) and include everything up to the end of this year. I’ve also tried not setting a date range.

In both cases, the resulting .CSV file has only a partial page of reservations on it.

I don’t know. Mine came out normal. A nice spreadsheet. I did have to do it in landscape orientation. Could that be it?

For CSV file, it does note that only the ones showing on the current page will be included. I am doing one page at a time. Is that the issue? Doesn’t really sound like it. Sorry, don’t know.