Any one finds Airbnb Cohost Feature useful?

If you don’t know what it is, here is a video explaining the feature
Introducing Co-Hosting. It’s launched at last year Airbnb Festival in Los Angeles. Basically, it’s a way for hosts to get help from others in their network.

Here is the official info from Airbnb Help Center

I’m very interested in it because I have been able to earn extra money with my hosting skills.

What do you think?

It’s a system that does what it says on the tin…what do we think about what exactly?

It will never work for me based on laundry alone. If I had to pay someone to do it, I would have to double my room rate :slight_smile:

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I’ve got a neighbor who is doing it. And yeah, he spends a lot of time at the laundromat. But it seems to be worth it to him.

I’m not interested in having a co-host or being one, so I haven’t done any research.

I note that your handle is cohost… so maybe I should ask you - What conversation do you want to have about it? Are you concerned about liability or keeping on top of the laundry?

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My AirBnB is not in the same city as me. I have a very reliable person that handles turnovers and escalations (he gets paid the cleaning fee). . When he went on vacation, I took an ABB co-host for the week he was gone. You can set specific co-host date ranges. Worked well for me - I got to know another host and had someone on backup in case there was an emergency.

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I’d love to kick off the conversation because I’m building a tool to connect CoHosts with Hosts in need. It’s called Cohost Club. Airbnb doesn’t make it easier to find CoHosts in other cities. I used to be like @HTXInBOS where I cohosted for a listing 2hrs from my home. It worked very well so i’m interested in helping others as well.

Is there a way to search for cohosts in your area? We would be interested only if we ourselves were traveling, or some other unforeseen event caused us to not be able to perform our usual hosting duties. Also, do you know if you can have more then one cohost? Because I am currently the cohost as my husband is the primary. If we wanted vacation coverage of something, we’d need to add a second cohost.

My brother housesat my place while I was in Europe over the holidays. Unfortunately we had a problem guest. When I reviewed what went down with my brother as the source, they removed it. When I then added him as official co host, the reinstated it.