Any issues snoozing?

Does anyone have recent experience putting their listing into Snoozed status and then bringing it back online? With all the talk of forced Instant Book for newly-activated listings, I am curious to know if this will be a problem.

Never heard of snoozing before. Is it new?

We snooze ALL the time, seriously, daily. I have not noticed any issues, but we are on IB. The only issue I have noticed, is that if you snooze on the app/web then try to unsnooze on the other, it sometimes doesn’t unsnooze, and you have to go back and do it again.

How does this benefit you? …

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I saw!! After my public flogging for trying to help, I am staying far, far away from that hot mess. I hope the newbies who thought we were all grabbing pitch forks, finally get an idea of how horrid ‘she who shall not be named’ actually is.

The snoozing is for my personal sanity. Since we have 4 listings, and one of them seems to attract lots of inquires, that result in my time being wasted and no bookings. I decided to see what would happen if I turned it off/on, basically saving me the stress of having to respond immediately. We have been doing this for about 2 weeks, and so far so good! We have gotten way more IBs and less ‘request to pre-approve’. My theory is by taking it off and on people that are seriously looking jump at the chance to book when they see something ‘new’ pop up in their search results.

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I’ve done something similar with my DogVacay profile but it doesn’t immediately become visible again so I can’t use it as much as I’d like.

Hey @azreala!

I did some search on ‘snooze’ on the air website and don’t really understand just what it is.

We are going to the Allegheny National Forest for a long weekend with family (yay!) and I’m assuming that mobile service will be limited at best.

Should I snooze my listing until the Tuesday that expect to return to civilization?

Thanks - and everyone is welcome to reply.

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Its basically hiding your listing for a set period of time. Its super easy and just asks you what day you want to start the snooze and what day you want your listing to go back to being live. Easy Peasy.

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This post…

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It will let you save your response rate and your sanity while in the woods. :slight_smile:

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I’m all for that!!! But they haven’t changed their directions on how to do it, I think, since they changed the calendar. So I’m hunting but not finding.

Found it…

I have never done this, I should research it.

We do it when we will be traveling (long flights) or know we don’t have cell coverage.