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There is a proposal seeking to minimize short-term rentals in Chicago and from what I see, the biggest restriction is that units cannot be rented out for more than 90 days/year before needing extensive licensing, etc.
I’m a bit torn as I do think Air has reduced available housing to local renters so I understand the need to regulate. We won’t rent our place out to a longterm renter because we need the space for visiting friends/family but we will probably increase our rates if we can only rent out 90 days per year.
You don’t think you would be willing or able to meet the extensive requirements? And I, too understand the issue but what about people who aren’t taking rental property off the market? In other words, they just have a guest room, they don’t want a roommate so…
We would have to do some structural re-design as Chicago has pretty strict commercial fire codes. Fire escapes, fire doors, multiple escape routes, etc. I think we would be more inclined to just do our 90 days of revenue & call it a day. If we increase our nightly rate, that would still be a decent amount of money for us.
I think the ordinance only targets entire units ( & not shared spaces with the owner).