Am I Justified in Being Very Annoyed?

That’s the easy way out. If you want your opinion counted, you have to present it. I don’t have any sympathy for lurkers who aren’t participating.


I completely agree. It is a middle school response made by adults.

You’d have to be a kid in grade school in the US to learn about cooties.

At my school, contact with a boy had to be counteracted immediately with a cleansing ritual that consisted of a brushing motion (knocking off cooties) along with a mantra-like chant “A-B-C-D-E-F-G! Wash those boy germs off of me!”

Cooties are cured by puberty hormones :wink:


Hopefully you knew how to make these as well, for extra protection :laughing:


Btw, apparently they have pre-printed ones now that you just fold along the lines. Geez, it’s like kids can’t do anything for themselves these days :woman_facepalming:


That’s cheating!


Yeah it is! And I bet they don’t work as well. Kids probably got all kinds of cooties these days :laughing:


No, I’m not. And if you knew me I think you would find that my very judgmental first world attitude applies only to first world hosts in first world nations who are trying to get 5 star ratings from first world guests.

Yana is free to post here sharing her techniques for hosting and I’m free to post mine and people reading can follow whatever method they choose. Yana and I are hosting in North American homes in neighborhoods, not in Africa, South Asia or Latin America.

I’m joking. I left off the requiste emojis, sorry.

Tourism is bad for the environment and is part of the consumer culture. It’s a luxury on any budget by global standards. So I’m constantly amused by self righteous invocations of protecting the environment in this business. Even when I do it. I can see my own selfish hypocrisy.

Anyway, this horse has had enough kicks from me.


But it’s perfectly acceptable for old folks to engage in put downs of young people? I’d love to have a dollar for every post on this forum with snide comments about millennial and hipsters. I worked as a high school teacher for 27 years and I didn’t find most of the stereotyping about youth to be useful.


Exactly. And I notice that this “OK Boomer” thing is much more recent than the talk of Millenials and Hipsters…e.g. it seems more like a response than a 1st-fire to me.
I’m neither and wish both groups would let it go…


May be this forum should be renamed as “:Western Airbnb host forum” then . People from other countries don’t know where each of us from . They don’t know we host in North America. Express your opinions is one thing but telling people how unethical they are or have low cleaning standards they have if they don’t follow your routine is another. And to constantly remind members here how we are public forum and how we should watch what we are saying is policing this forum not moderating .
Hehehe…so because tourism is harmful to environment we just have to make it even worse by wasting water or throwing plastic into the sea. That’s interesting theory

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Oh, come on Yana. ‘Constantly’? ‘Policing’? Let’s not be daft here.

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May be they don’t even lurk anymore…what useful information they can get from here where rich westerners do 6 loads of laundry everyday for other rich westerners with super high standards. It’s funny actually about those standards. I have been in many countries and in many homes . I have never seen more messiest and dirtiest houses than here in US.
I cleaned houses for 2 years when we first immigrated and i saw how parents let their kids mess up and clutter their rooms to the point that I couldn’t open door to those rooms with tons of clothes on a floor.

Yep that’s true…in every post…there is some policing going on

Yana, it’s an internet forum. Please don’t attribute such superpowers. It’s just not possible, you know this.

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Exactly .there shouldn’t be high powers. But you lock posts yourself for no visible reason. Why? People still want to continue …why you lock it?

I don’t.

You just locked one few days ago.

I stand by my comment. “It is a middle school response made by adults.” My comment was about the “ok Boomer.” Remark. It wasn’t about any of the other stuff YOU have seen online.

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Yes some hosts do, poop molecules you see…


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A little geography lesson for those who are unaware- North America consists of 3 countries- Canada, the US and Mexico. Mexicans are every bit as much North Americans as Americans and Canadians are.
Some things in Mexico could be considered first world (It’s an hour to a Costco for me, which looks pretty much just like a Costco anywhere), but other things are definitely not. For instance, it’s quite common in Mexico to have to throw all toilet paper in the waste basket. Yes, all. A lot of the plumbing can’t handle any paper being flushed (My home was built from scratch, so I made sure the septic system was designed to handle paper).
Now most Americans and Canadians would consider throwing poopy toilet paper in the waste basket to be disgusting. But it’s quite standard in Mexico. Which is also North America.