Alert: Careful With New Amenities Options

So far, nothing has changed on my amenities page. None of the options you guys are referring to.

And top sheets… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Don’t feel too bad, I added a bunch of amenities and typed in “details” for some of the new ones, and also ones I already had - including the “brands” of my fridge & range. Oh yeah, and they actually have a box you can tick if they are stainless steel! Oh please Airbnb.

Getting to my point. None of this is publishing to my listing, with the exception of “BBQ Utensils” and “Room Darkening Shades”.

Zero amenity additions to the “more filters” section on the search page, where guest should be able to see/choose them.

I guess they are just slow in rolling it all out?

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Mine will say “bought them years ago and the tag wore off so I have no idea what they are made or”


I think you misunderstood me @JohnF. The amenities filter on the “search” page does not have many of the amenities that we list on our listings. For example, you can’t search for a place with a BBQ grill, etc. etc.

Oh, but in case anyone is interested, you CAN choose the neighborhood you’d like to stay, from a list of neighborhoods 30 miles from my town! Just wow… :roll_eyes:


I haven’t gotten the modification / additions that you described in the OP. My best guess is that they haven’t rolled it out to AirBNB Plus listings.

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As I said, I haven’t gotten the modifications either, and I just have a home-share listing. They tend to roll things out in different areas of the world at different times, it seems.


Thanks for the heads-up. Weirdly 2 of my listings have the new options and the 3rd listing only has the old ones. One of the listings with the new options has a new display format on the screen too (smaller fonts, more compact, shows all of the amenities on the main listing page, not just the first few), the other one doesn’t. 3 listings, all different.

Does anybody really care what brand my refrigerator is?

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As long as it works, nope!

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Only if they want to know if their phone will tell them what’s in the fridge.

“Family Hub helps you maintain home life with Food Management, Family Communication and Entertainment – all from your Fridge and connected mobile phones.”

Weird. Your family life, centered around a touchscreen refrigerator?

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What??? Y’all are giving out shampoo and fancy soaps???
Our body wash - dish soap.
Our Shampoo - dish soap.

ok ok, I’m kidding …:innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::zipper_mouth_face:


Blue dawn is very versatile


All I need is a nice bed and plush pillow. A shower is a plus !


How about wood- burning or gas fireplace?

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Demand has picked up for us as well but we are putting two nights in between rentals so our revenue is not going to be what it was last year.


Oh so typical of ABB; they can add all this fine tuning but REFUSE to fix their overcharging of guests for sales tax in New Mexico. And add a field for other taxes that some hosts might be subject to? No way, too difficult for their small brains to figure out. But yessiree, what brand salt is in your salt shaker? We can do that!

Who are you asking?



Are you suggesting this for a new amenity option? A/C is already and I think has always been an amenity option, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Did someone get the gremlins wet??

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That’s what happens when you sign up, then use multiple accounts, you forget which one of them you’re signed in with.
