Airbnb website problems?

My listing is not showing on the listing in my area. Yesterday I was on the front page, but today it does’nt show at all. (I have searched through all the properties in my area.)
I called Airbnb help line two times.
First time I came to France (I live in Norway), and he told me something that was not relevant at all.
Second time I called, I came to the US help line. He said they had some issues/problems with host properties not showing when the host searched for his/her own property.
Any ideas?

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My listing isnt showing either and its stressing me out - it hasnt shown all evening. I chatted to someone on Air and they said they’d email me but never did…

So glad i’m not the only one!

Yes, I called both the customer service in France and the US (We do not have any in Norway.)
I also wrote them, and they told me they had problems. The IT section is working on it.
It is only your own apartment that is not shown. And that is true, because I got a booking an hour ago. So it works for our potential guests. PUH! :smile:


Lots of hosts have been complaining about it in groups. Call customer service

no that’s not true … i logged off and searched for properties in my area and my listing didnt come up

What other groups are there???

Try anonymous search by logging off then searching. That usually sorts it out!

Its all back to normal now - bit off!

Not back to normal. I reported to CS yesterday morning. They confirmed there was a bug (rep said others had reported) and was referred to IT.

I found a website bug yesterday (search results don’t reflect when I remove a restriction from the calendar) and I’ve had trouble reporting it to AirBnB. This is the first time I’ve had to talk to customer support, and it has not been an easy process. There is nowhere on the website I could find to report a bug, and on the help page you have to dig around to find somewhere to contact AirBnb themselves, rather than your guest or the host of your upcoming vacation. First they put me in touch with a Superhost, who agreed that I’d found a website bug, and forwarded it to an AirBnB employee. I guess he or she didn’t read my original websites, because he gave me a canned response about how the Air search engine works that didn’t address the bug I’d found. I replied to the email, but I don’t know if that just disappears into the void. We’ll see if I hear back.

EDIT: I’m getting more prompt help on AirBnB’s help twitter. They reply pretty fast, which is good because I keep having to explain the problem I’m having to the customer support folks who say, “It looks fine to me!”

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