Airbnb says it will try to ban Capitol rioters from inauguration stays

I wonder why people bother? They must have so much time one their hands.


Just recapping all the things folks do not want to discuss:

What they did wrong when the guests they hosted asked for satisfaction from airbnb
What anyone else replies that does not agree with what they want to hear


That’s covers everything.


He was a rightwing plant and provocateur who was booted out of BLM groups in Portland and Phoenix, but the right wing noise machine has ignored that.


AirBnB cancelled all reservations for AirBnBs in the DC area from this weekend until the day after the inaugural, and will pay the hosts for lost bookings. It’s not political, it’s called protecting your new shareholders from your recent IPO.

Do you host in DC? Are you a shareholder? Why do you care?

They don’t.

Just another shit stirrer.

OK, I’m going, and @Annet3176 will be joining me.



I suspect you’re right. Considering the mountain of news explaining what happened and how it’s unique in American history surely he can’t actually be confused.


For the truly curious, non trolls, here’s a little sample of why corporate America wants nothing to do with the insurrectionist mob. No normal person wants to host people like this. And I guarantee if something did happen to a host or their home they would be crying that Airbnb didn’t “vet” the guest, they should have known, blah, blah, blah.


I’m assuming that you mean Airbnb when you say ‘bnb’? Of course it can cancel reservations but not randomly. For example, if someone was coming to stay with you and Airbnb discovered that the person was using a stolen credit card or was wanted by the police or something undesirable that you wouldn’t want on your property, they can cancel that person.

And if you were booked into an Airbnb rental and it was discovered that the roof had fallen in or the place was swarming with insects then yes, Airbnb could cancel that stay.

When you choose to use an advertising platform such as Airbnb that also sees to the money handling and so forth then you will remember that we all had to agree to abide by their TOS when we joined. You chose it.

Why not do what others do and use other OTAs and/or take direct bookings? Then you can stop being concerned about what Airbnb is doing.


I suggest a therapist.

There is a lot of information about this available. Short answer is that the summer protests, even ones including property damage, and a violent insurrection to overthrow a democratically elected government isn’t the same.

If you show me the same depth and breath of language accompanied by a breach of government buildings with elected representatives in session and BLM/Antifa protestors with guns, bombs, pepper spray, wrist restraints in the building maybe I’ll change my mind. What were the names of the police officers they beat and killed? Show me the governors, state legislators and their lawyers who advocated fighting like hell, never giving up, and trial by combat. Show me the legislators who gave tours of the buildings to the the agitators. Show me the names of cops and military who are part of the racial justice riots.

And they make a lot of money for you. Personally they also gave me a chance to buy into the IPO and I made 150% on my investment so far, not planning on selling but that’s a nice little bonus. Airbnb is very political and this isn’t new. You better start looking for a new way to run your business because it’s unlikely to change. Lots of conservatives have left the platform already. And I don’t blame you, I’d definitely leave any platform that openly supported values that I didn’t agree with.

The inconsistencies that bother me are the folks that argue for law and order, obey the police, don’t use violence, blue lives matter, then do just the opposite. I’m not surprised when someone who says defund the police resists arrest. I am surprised by the deep hypocrisy of the radical right insurrectionists.

Here’s more reading for you:

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Wrong. Read the header.

People can’t see things that aren’t there. If you can’t supply any evidence of what you say then maybe you should re-evaluate your beliefs.

What are they making worse? Did you read their statement on why they were making the decision? I’ll post it again:

This site is not affiliated with Airbnb. This forum is privately owned. Airbnb doesn’t monitor this site. However, as the site is open to the public, anyone could read postings here.

As far as I know, no one who is active on this forum is an employee or “official” of Airbnb. KKC is an Airbnb host, just like I am. KKC just happens to be one of the volunteer moderators of this forum.

If you expect to contact Airbnb somehow through this site, you’re barking up the wrong tree.


This site is completely independent and has nothing to do with Airbnb as it clearly states at the top of the page. Do Airbnb staff members monitor it? I don’t know but I doubt it. I don’t see why they would.

KKC is not an official of ‘Airbnb’ - none of us here are, we’re simply STR hosts. Therefore we only have the same numbers to contact the company as you do, assuming that you are a host.

Delusional disorder is a serious mental illness. I don’t stigmatize mental illness but massive numbers of Americans have been brainwashed at best and need professional help at worst. They are a danger to the republic and therefore a danger to all of us.

If you are really feeling discomfort at the policy decisions of a corporation based on beliefs that aren’t true and for which there is no evidence then that suggests you are in need of help.


@Francis I believe that you said in one of your many messages in this thread that you’d be moving on. I think it’s about time.

You keep repeating yourself and the moderators and members are getting pretty fed up of it. Thanks.


Yup, I was right. Just another shit stirrer and really not worth engaging with.



OMG, now they are calling to murder Trump- the guy they were supposedly fighting to keep in office. These people have completely malfunctioning brains. They all belong in mental health institutions. Locked up forever.

Well, that was predictable. LEO concerns that the various groups will turn on and fight each other are realistic, especially now there is a perceived leadership vacuum.


Yes I agree with you. It is sounding very political and lopsided.
How come airbnb didn’t do anything about all the violent rioting from antifa and blm over the last 4 years.