Airbnb Plus note in app

Today this appeared when I look at my listing in the app “This is your current Airbnb listing. We’ll publish your Airbnb plus listing after it’s been reviewed or when Airbnb plus launches in your area. In the meantime, you can view your Airbnb plus listing”
Does this mean I will be invited to Airbnb plus? Or did everyone get this note? Plus is not currently in my area.

Did you at some time enquire about Plus and was told it wasn’t in your area? Otherwise, it does seem a bit weird …

Not that I remember! I printed the checklist and will slowly work on meeting the requirements, just in case.

I just looked at the site by chance today and saw that, while so far Plus had only been available in a limited number of areas, they’ve now bumped it up to about 300, including mine. This is news to me but maybe others have been aware of it for some time?

And this is what I got when I “requested an invite”

# Please check back later to request an invite

Thanks for your interest in Airbnb Plus!

Due to a high demand from hosts, we’re unable to take new requests for invitations to Airbnb Plus until later this year.

Once we process existing requests, hosts with eligible listings will be able to request an invite in the following markets:

and a list of about 300 places followed. You might have thought it wouldn’t take the brightest of intellects to realise that increasing the offer to so many places at once might flood the system …

Woke up this morning to an unsolicited invitation to join Airbnb plus, and that they will waive the $149 application fee if I apply by 20 November. The thing is, i’m planning to delist in February (as I will be moving in). At some point I may list it up again when I go for extended holidays, but is it worth going through the process in the meanwhile? Any thoughts?

What city are you in?
Depends on your type of listing, $149 impacts a smaller property more than a large full house…

Melbourne…there are about 340 airbnb plus listings based on Airbnb.

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I got the official Airbnb Plus invitation last night & scheduled an appointment. If I do it soon they waive the fee and I could really use the pictures too due to a few changes. We are in Colorado.