Airbnb Plus cities, have you noticed a drop in bookings?

I subscribe to a number of industry feeds and a general comment seems to be that Airbnb Plus appears at the top and then you need to hit a button to show other listings, then comes superhosts and then others. How are you going in this new listing structure and have you noticed a change since February 22? I am not in this market, but the last 3 weeks have only had 1 booking, yet the usual number of views. Trying to figure out what is going on.


Ditto. And I’ve noticed people on here all around the world saying the same thing so not just seasonal. Just checked my nearby big tourist area, Phillip Island, and they don’t advertise ABB Plus hosts if there are any. I haven’t had any new bookings for 3 weeks and still have 3 free weekends in May but if I fill 2 of those I will be well ahead on last year which I have been so far this year due to higher prices and on more platforms. I seem to be getting more people booking well in advance but maybe now we are settling in to the winter “let’s see what the weather forecast is this weekend” type bookings (answer: it is late Autumn and 25C tomorrow, so come on down!)


being school holidays in NSW I thought we were down a bit but actually we are doing ok. I have picked up a few booking with Wimdu. Homeaway has dropped since it moved from Stayz, I can’t access airbnb or Homeaway from my laptop but can on my ipad and phone.

I have been wondering about this, because they will be launching Airbnb Plus soon in South Florida. I rent a room which is set up as a studio with private entrance, but there is no kitchen sink so no cooking, so I won’t qualify for Plus. It may not be worth doing Airbnb once they launch the Plus. I am already anxious about this, after investing so much time and money setting up the room.

I’d be nervous too if I’d spent a lot of effort on Airbnb that I wasn’t fairly certain to recoup. There are so many things outside our control when it comes to Airbnb. However, there is no reason to think that all guests or host want Plus.

First of all, not all hosts will qualify and some that do turn out to not be interested when they find out all the strings attached. Second, guests will learn that not all Plus properties are “all that.” Someone has already posted here about being disappointed in their Plus Airbnb. Third, not everyone wants or needs a kitchen for cooking. I have no kitchen access for the last 3 years and 350 or so guests, I have no problem getting booked. I believe that having plenty of good reviews is much more important. I’d rather stay at a non-plus property with a long time host (there are hosts with over 1000 reviews) than at a plus property with 25 reviews.


Thanks for your response. I guess I’ll have to stop the pre-worrying and see what happens!

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In addition to what @KKC has suggested, I’ll add that I believe with PLUS, ABNB is striving to expand their market; their goal is to appeal to those who traditionally have stayed in hotels, and have typically not been comfortable staying in someone’s home.

I would expect higher rates for PLUS listings which keeps the door open for others.

I recently went PLUS; my projected December bookings have increased 50% from last year but I can’t yet attribute that to PLUS.

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