Airbnb paying 25% based on your cancellation policy?

Hey moderator, I’m new here looking for help especially in these difficult times. I’m a little surprised by the insertion of the political opinions. I’m sure you’ll have some community members agreeing and some not, but hoping it’s not necessary to air that much here especially as a moderator who we look up to to maintain a good tone. Thanks for the work you do.


They haven’t paid anyone yet. Looks like payouts will start in early April and continue monthly and there will be a maximum of 3 payouts (March cancellations will be paid in early April; April cancellations will be paid in early May; and May cancellations will be paid in early June).


Please for the love of all you consider holy… do not look up to me. I’m a very very ordinary flawed human.

I’m also someone who taught US government for over 30 years and I have strong and well sourced opinions. The current US President is the worst one in our history, replacing James Buchanan at the bottom. He is a danger to all Americans and I will stand by that until the day I die. If you are unable to stomach reading that please use the “mute” button and ignore me.

I’ll happily give up my moderator position and let the other moderators silence me before I will willingly stand by and be silent.


Of course you’re entitled to your political opinions, as everyone else is, but that doesn’t mean people want to or should have to hear it.

You are in a special position as a moderator in that you set the tone, but I have a feeling you’d pound pretty hard anyone you don’t agree with and maybe kick them off so people will tend to not disagree with you. Maybe you’ll kick me off, I hope not. I assumed this was a nonpolitical forum about our Airbnb properties. I’d welcome advice and news on that, not unsolicited political opinions. Your response back was anything but understanding


This forum is what it is. If you don’t agree with how it’s run, or the latitude given to members when expressing opinions, I’m sure there are other forums out there that you may be more comfortable with.

You’ve been here five minutes, so to speak, so maybe you should wait a bit before telling us what is wrong with our forum, and its members.



I agree completely.

Here’s a post on how to ignore anyone whose opinion you don’t want to hear:


Thank you. Just because I’m “new” here does not mean my opinion should be dismissed. I think I was respectful and hope others who can’t be will refrain from commenting. These are tough times and I was hoping to find help here with other hosts in similar situations. No disrespect intended moderator.


Or in other words, anyone who doesn’t agree with you, or your viewpoint?




so much for the moderator controlling political opinions…I tend to agree with the OP…I come here looking for answers that pertain to my business (NOT ‘political’ answers either) or just to vent a little about the trials and tribulations of having an Airbnb… I do not come here to hear others’ political viewpoints, any more than I spout my own.
I’m disappointed.


How do we know what we get from this 25% thing, if anything? I had strict and I had all cancelations and I don’t see any income coming through in my reservations. How will this work?


You will get “an email with more details in early April” explaining the details, but from what I read, it looks like you’ll automatically get up to 3 separate payouts (1 per month) for COVID cancellations between March 14 and May 31 where you would’ve expected some payout if Airbnb hadn’t changed their policy.


Punishing hosts that are more generous with their cancellation policies is grossly unfair. WHen this is over they will be begging hosts to have policies that are not strict…


I don’t see it as punishing at all. Pretend that they’re just a booking platform, helping you to advertise and collect payment from guests. You set your flexible/moderate cancellation policy. Pretend that AirBNB did nothing and people cancelled because of CV. Why should the booking platform owe you any money?

In this case, AirBNB is partially repaying hosts because these hosts with strict policies (who should have gotten 50% of a booking) had their own policies overwritten by the booking platform. We had zero say in the matter, and many had already worked out their own deals with their guests to change their dates.


The moderators don’t control political opinions and I feel that’s fine. And others are welcome to express a different viewpoint. It’s one thing I like about this forum. And political opinions aren’t something that normally enters into discussions here, but at the moment, the lack of responsible leadership in the US is leading to many more deaths than necessary, which is a travesty. And quite honestly, this isn’t about politics, it’s about saving human lives. A head of state who brags about his coronavirus press conference ratings while Americans are being piled up in body bags is a danger to society,
If you don’t come here to hear other political viewpoints, either don’t read them, or don’t come here. No one is forcing you.


No problem with that. I won’t be back. Not that it matters a lick to anyone.
And how can you tell me to ‘not read them’ if they are buried in a post, like yours is…?? It’s too bad tho, I really got quite a bit from many hosts experiences. I personally don’t feel it’s anyone else’s business how I feel politically…to each his own…


I agree with you. there are a lot of trolls on this forum
I’m also leaving

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Bye Felicia X 200000000000


Valid statement and it puts it into perspective for me.

I am host with “strict” cancellation policy and have had a guest scam their way out of a reservation for medical reason that was not legitimate and they got all of their money back. I don’t think I am the only Host with strict cancellation here who has had this type of experience either.


Please don’t let the metaphorical door hit you on the arse as you depart.




We all lost the reservations because of events out of anyone’s control. Cancellation policies had nothing to do with why reservations were cancelled.

Air Bnb promotes more generous policies, then treats those of us who took more of a risk like we did not lose anything.

People with strict cancellation policies are no more deserving the the rest of us.