Airbnb Lock | Have you heard of August Smart Locks?

Hello Everyone,

As you might know, I’ve started blogging about products and service that I currently use as a Host. So here’s my most recent post that talks about my experience with August Locks.



If it’s the keypad it s not sending automatcly a different code to guests?

@AirbnbSecrets - I’m trying to understand your blog. The business of your site is selling courses on how to host, is that correct? Do you actually help manage the property or are you packaging up for potential hosts the kind of information we all share here?

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@sylvainbg Yes, the big problem currently is that the KeyPad is not linked to the automated Airbnb reservation system. It’s something that seems pretty simple to fix as it’s all software based and (I think) a software App update could fix that. Personally, I prefer using the keypad to unlock my door. And it’s way easier to give a keypad number to a group of 10 at the chalet then to send each guest a download link to install the app of their phone (which is done automatically upon booking - but it’s only sent to the Guest who booked the place - not to the entire group). .

@CatskillsGrrl Yes, I do sell a step-by-step online course and I’m in the middle of the developing other online products to help Airbnb Hosts learn all aspects of running an “Airbnb business” overnight. At the moment, I do not offer management services thought I do help family members manage their Airbnb’s. My top listing is pretty is ranking at the top of Airbnb in Montreal at the moment. I’m not sure what you mean by packaging up… My goal is to offer a one stop solution for Hosts in need of Airbnb knowledge as I had to learn everything on my own over the years, making very costly mistakes along the way. Instead of having to research many forums, a new Host can take my course that currently sells for 197$ and learn everything needed to maximise monetization of listing right away. If that new Host books one or 2 nights extra nights this month because of AirbnbSecrets, the course is paid off right away. I have a free 30 day trial and also offer a 30 warranty on the course. Also, I’m now being contacted by several Airbnb related products and services to blog about them. I’ve recently started to accept talking about their product if I enjoy using them as a Host. Casper Mattress was my first sponsored blog post and now August Lock was my second one.

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I am considering a smart lock and i see only the use of codes. Most people don’t want to use an app.

Yes I agree. I’m hoping they will fix that in an App update. We’ll see. In the meantime, I can still give a code. But I have to create manually several codes and give different ones to different Guests so it’s not automated. That said, I can see in the app what Guest came in and at what time and I get alerts if the batteries are dead and I can unlock remotely from anywhere on earth. So it sure beats my old key locks.

Did you check .lockstats or schlage lock?

Smart locks are for smart burglars.

If possible, stay away from these things. Use physical keys or keycards, and have someone hand them over.

“I can unlock remotely from anywhere on earth…”

Just watch this commercial for an insurance company:

I agree but I will use it when I am work and I can t give the key if they check in before 5 pm or if it’s a check in in the middle of the night.
The appartment is above our so it’s easier to have a control.

Remember that anything that is connected to the internet, has been or will be hacked.

Imagine criminals getting access to the server and database that is connected to these locks.
They will have your physical address, know when the lock has been used for the last time, and know how to unlock it.

In the blog entry, nothing is mentioned about data security and privacy.

I am not creating some worse case scenario here, something alike is already happening with car theft.
Car thieves can unlock and start your car with just a laptop, not needing any keys. This has been in the news all over europe, car manufacturers confirm this, but say there is nothing they can do, unless they go back to using physical keys.

Good point but remember that Airbnb, our cell phones and our banks accounts are all connected to the internet and there’s way more to steal there then there is at home. And all of this is just the start. The truth is, if someone want to break in your house, they will break a window. And if I was living in fear of getting things stolen in my place as many non-Airbnb people do, I would have never hosted more than 4000 Airbnb Guests in my properties.

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