Airbnb House Rules Signs Question

It is challenging to find a balance of necessary signs and too much. Guests have complimented our signs to navigate their way to the their rooms. Ours are printed from our computer but framed. We also posted small signs on each door re: “when checking out” and list things like remember your chargers, leave the keys. Since posting those many fewer things have been left and we haven’t gathered as many lost and found items. Many copy centers do tasteful sign on durable materials.

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I’ve started having to have nightlights etc because of my aging eyes. I’m also switching to more LEDs in everything. Love them!

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Do people still use them? It’s years since I had a QR scanner on my phone.

Anyway, @Host23, as you’ve realised by now, we’re trying to be helpful to you but the general consensus seems to be that most signs are tacky. (And that includes signs disguised as word art which is extremely naff too). So I’m adding to it, sorry.

Guests like to be treated as adults and not have signs yelling at them. Civilised human beings know not to smoke or whatever else you want to dictate to your guests.

The time to mention these issues is in the house tour - signs look institutional. If you’ve got a real bargain listing then you might be able to get away with it but not in a home-from-home listing.

Somewhat on this point, I am switching over, literally and figuratively, to Adorne light switches that present a little dot of light when the overhead lights are switched off. Bearing in mind that my guests are in a strange place and could use a bit of help in finding the switches in a dark room. The lit-up dot is findable but not so bright as to be distracting in the dark. See:


I don’t know if people use them or not (no comments one way or the other), but most phones have built-in QR code scanners. On my iPhone, I open the camera, point it at the QR code, and up pops a window where it takes me to the right spot in our website that describes how to use the item.

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Thanks, I didn’t know that. In ‘the old days’ we had to have specific QR scanners from the app store :slight_smile:

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It’s actually surprisingly easy to do this if you have a website, or can link to a YouTube video that demonstrates how to use it, or there are directions somewhere else. Just go to, put the URL or text (VERY short text!) in the box that sends the user where you want them to go, then create the code and download it. I bought the Avery labels, and put a handful of codes in the label template and printed it with our inkjet printer.


I had no idea… Thx


@PitonView I feel like our guests that need more instruction would have no idea how to use their QR scanner if they even had one c

Can’t post a link since I have only been a member for a few weeks. Found a custom acrylic one with host name engraved on it. Beautiful, I put it at the front entrance next to a vase with flowers. Try searching for custom airbnb signs and look in images. It’s the acrylic one with the Welcome text at the top.

Gosh, I guess I’m not very posh, I have homemade laminated signs all over the place: No smoking, just TP in the toilet, use makeup wipes, there’s a USB port on the back of the sound machine, please reset the thermostat to xx, Need a souvenir? Virginia Peanuts $7 per can. I use a variety of fonts, colors and clip art borders, under my theory of “If it might look strange, ugly or weird, emphasize it and make it a feature!” Then I have all my little homemade tent cards for special occasions: Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Happy Notable Day, Good Luck (for the marathoners). Nobody’s ever had a bad reaction to them.


It seems that such signs in the rooms can be done in a playful way that does not irritate and cause a smile.