Airbnb going down constantly?

Does anyone else struggle to use Airbnb recently? It seems like I have near constant 503 service errors, both on desktop & mobile, and on both my host and personal accounts. Usually it takes a few hours to clear, with a LOT of refreshing. It makes it supremely difficult to reply to guests, so… please tell me I’m not alone…?

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I have not experienced any issues at all with Airbnb, desktop or mobile. I would recommend reaching out to them, they should be able to put in a service with a tech or let you know if there are known issues. There’s also a chance it has to do with service on your end. Are you using the same internet connection all the time with both devices? Restarting your devices and wifi is always advisable.


No problems here. Could it be a local problem?

@cakeslice Have you cleared your cache and cookies (not just refreshed the page)?

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I’ve been living in two cities and having to log in again and use multiple devices, networks, etc., instead of my home desktop, and there’s not been any issues for me.

I have. This issue has happened on my phone, laptop, and work PC on several wifi connections…


They had a lot of API issues causing 500 errors on Aug 28. Try desktop instead of app if you are having issues. Might help. But hopefully fixed.

FOR OVER TWO MONTHS we have had this issue! They continue to close tickets. They are completely useless. “Clear your cache” is such a BS answer considering we have told them dozens of times that we have this issue on every computer, every browser, every mobile device. We have opened a case with our Attorney General now that we are in breach of over 50 owner contracts because we can’t pay them because we can’t access transaction history.
I suggest opening a case with your attorney general as well. Airbnb will never do anything to improve unless government forces them to.

The poorly-paid, untrained, uneducated (and possibly moronic) customer-service agent you are talking to doesn’t actually understand why “it’s happening on all our devices…” bears any relevance to the suggestion you need to “clear your cache.”

Chances are they don’t even understand what “clear your cache” means: they are merely regurgitating the “solution” proposed on-screen by their in-house knowledge base in response to the keywords they entered when you originally complained.

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