AirBnB doesn't disclose identities of my guest's guests

Why not? I use my own short term rental contract for each stay. I recently found out that AirBnB requires my guest to give the names of all others in their party, however that information is not made available!e to the hosts! Why do they think they need that info, but I do not? It’s my home, my risk.

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Is this new?
We are hosts but just very recently booked 2 AirBnB’s for our own travel. We were not required to provide all the names in our entire party.
I did receive a communication from Air for one of the bookings (in Liverpool) to invite the rest of the party to the booking via their emails. But it’s not required. They do not have Air accounts so I don’t see the point of inviting them since they are not responsible for the actual booking. I did not receive that invite for our stay in Galway though.
But the point being I did not have to supply all the names in our party for either booking.

If you want the information, why not just ask the guests for it? I do.

Well, I’m baffled. I do ask every guest who is in their party, but twice have been told they’ve already given that information to AirBnB. Perhaps it was voluntary on their part?

If that was the case the mystery solved. I’ve only been a host, never a guest.

Uh, you’re saying the people who will be staying on your property are refusing to give you their names?

If that is the case, simply ask them at the time of booking. And if they refuse, don’t book them. And if they start talking about Airbnb, point out that you are not Airbnb.

I don’t actually ask at the time of booking, but I take down detailed guest information at the time of arrival. I’ve yet to have anyone complain. However, the Indian Govt has a rather invasive form, at least for foreigners, which I get to submit (yay) on behalf of foreigners. So for foreigners to object is a bit moot. And Indians are well trained to jump through bureaucratic hoops.

What is your location?

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to simply say that Airbnb don’t give you that information and would they kindly introduce themselves. I usually approach arriving guests with my hand held out to shake and introduce myself and almost every time the guest will say Hi, I’m Jane and this is Tarzan’. (Or whatever their names are!)

But if they don’t, it really doesn’t bother me. I’ve had guests where I have only known the name of the person who booked and I’m fine with that. After all, the person who booked could have brought a secret lover in which case they might give me a false name anyway :wink:


We just booked @Oesmec place and I was not asked to disclose the other ‘guest’ to @Oesmec or Air BNB. I did send an ‘invite’ to my husband, that shows pending on my itinerary, as he has not accepted. :joy:

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It’s a while since I was a guest but if I remember rightly you are given the option to enter the details of the other guest(s) plus their email address so they can be sent the booking information. The host, however, doesn’t get this information. It’s another random anomaly in the whole system.


I’m guessing it was a misunderstanding on my part then.

Isn’t that interesting. When I booked as a guest I was asked to supply the names in my party. I never considered that my guests might think they’re giving that info to ME and not Airbnb. They must think I’m absent minded when I ask!

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I’ve had two guests that were a little impatient with me for being redundant (to their thinking). If AirBnB asks for it, why don’t they make it available to the hosts? I always ask. I just wondered why, if AirBnB asks, it’s not disclosed.

It’s a very good question! Why is Airbnb asking for that info if they’re not giving passing it along to the hosts? Of course guests would think we have it - why wouldn’t we? Maybe it’s another beta testing thing although I think @Magwitch nailed it.

Only when I have hosted directly - like through craigslist - have I asked for all the names for a contract. Otherwise, I assumed Airbnb holds the registering guest responsible. That was naive, in retrospect. I should call and ask them if they have the names of all guests and see what they say.

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I’ve just booked 2 places in Cape Town and in neither case did Airbnb ask for the name of the other guest (aka my husband).

We have a guest registration form that we always used before Airbnb with just basic info like names, contact phone number and email addresses. No-one has ever minded filling it in … BUT soon we’re going to have to be like Faheem and have a MUCH more invasive form: passport/ID numbers of everyone over 16 in the party, nationality, home address (and being Spain, father and mother’s names I shouldn’t be surprised …) and copies of this form (which will be in Spanish, so obviously I will have to translate) will have to be sent to the main Police Station within 24 hours of the guest’s arrival.

Hotels do this already, but they have a web-based form they can fill in. The method for holiday rental owners has not been worked out yet, so the suggestion has been that we phone to local police station with this information … so far 9,000 new holiday rental businesses have been registered in Andalucia with the new law. So … 9,000 with an average stay of say 5 days, average number of guests 2, adds up to … a huge administrative cock-up!

Hi @Malagachica,

I do an online form. It’s a massive pain, but having to send it somewhere would be even more of one. The guests do take it in good part, though. At least I’ve not had anyone complain to me yet. Though it is an incredibly nosy form. About the only thing they don’t ask for is email addresses, though that would be one of the most useful things.

I could simply ignore the whole thing. I’m sure many people do - or simply aren’t aware it is a requirement. Laws in India often aren’t enforced, or enforced with such slothfulness that it is the same as not enforcing them. But I figure knowing something about the strangers coming through my door and staying under my roof is a good thing. So I put up with it.

That’s interesting. I just booked a place in Virginia, and they did ask. However, when I entered the names of my children, without email addresses, they erased them. Which leads me to think it’s only to share the itinerary, or, collect email addresses for marketing.

There sure is a lot of conflicting information on this subject. To be clear, I list a full apartment and have not, to date, seen any of my guests face to face. All transactions and information is either emailed or texted. I just didn’t like the idea of insisting on information already given, and also the idea of the booking site withholding what I feel is pertinent for me to have.

If I were in a shared space it would be different. I would have a handle on who is staying in my home. As it is, I am counting on the honest nature of my guests. After reading the different threads here, you all have my questioning the wisdom of that!

Although really its a crap shoot altogether no matter what, isn’t it? What good are names going to do me in the event of disaster? I can’t seem to trust AirBnB to have a real interest on my behalf. At best it seems that I count on them for visibi!ity. Still, it keeps people in my place and I’m grateful for that.