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I believe you also have to cancel with ‘I don’t feel comfortable with this guest’ option in order for it to count as one of your IB freebie cancellations. I would call ABB and say ‘you didn’t feel comfotable’ blah blah and see if they will waive the ‘cancel’.
I’m proudly in the ‘SH can suck it’ camp and have been since 2010! We seem to be doing OK
Truly, don’t worry about it. Very few guests understand what superhost means and when you think about it, what does it really mean? Hopefully it won’t affect your bookings. Let’s hope that’s the case.
I agree with you here. For the last couple of months, I’ve had an increasing number of guests who are first-timers, i.e. they only recently signed up to Airbnb. They surely wouldn’t understand what superhost means.
The company is still increasing in size, by the minute, which is good for us, too. However, it seems to be turning into a monopoly, obliterating competitors, just like Google does in web search, which is something I don’t really like.