Adios to Airbnb

I’ve sold my house. Was still open to doing another Airbnb where I am moving, but nothing suitable came up. So, that’s it for me.

If some of the nightmare stories I read here had happened to me, I wouldn’t have kept hosting.

I wish everyone all the best.


Good luck with the move. Hope you contine to check in every so often and comment!

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Thank you!

Keep in touch @zillacop :slight_smile:


Dont for get to turn the lights off on your way out

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That’s really rude thing to say.


That’s polite for me, Most people would see that as a joke, What do we hosts say to the guests when they are checking out?

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It isn’t a joke, it’s something people say which indicates that they are happy to see you leave, good riddance.

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@zillacop I hope you are happy in your new place. Have you considered offering to co-host for someone, or are you happy to be done with the whole str thing?

Does that mean me? good riddance.

No, I meant that’s what “Don’t forget to turn the lights off on your way out” means.

I don’t take the lights out comment to be good riddance, more like reference to last survivor of something that (figurately) tanked or is no longer relevant.

Now, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” is in the insult category.


I kind of think of the community’s intent for @zillacop as the ending of the Mary Tyler Moore show.

See below, at 5:35:

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Thanks for sharing all your experiences and knowledge. Let us know if your stress level goes down as a result of stopping Airbnb. In a few years, I plan to get off Airbnb as well.


Best wishes to you on the next part of your journey. Thanks for all that you’ve contributed here.

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Yeah, this isn’t the best time to get into the short-term rental business. Real estate prices have flown up, while what you can charge has moderated. Plus, many areas are over-saturated. It will all normalize in time, though, and supply will again drop to match demand. That’s the way the world turns…Econ 101.


Just found this on a site I frequent that has nothing to do with STR’s. Whether this is accurate or not, I do not know, but it points in a very negative direction.


I wish they had done it for a more interesting time period. For example months of February and march in Phoenix, and June July in Myrtle Beach.

May is not a good month to compare.

It says “from” May ‘22 to May’ '23. Which sounds to like it’s the average for the year.

I was reading the footnote to mean the three-month average ending May 2022 to the three-month average ending May 2023.