Would you mention your faith in your listing?

I hope that was just for illustration purposes. No True Christian™ would support Trump.


You should talk to my Aunt Ruth …

There is a big difference between being “christian” in the sense that you celebrate Easter and Christmas and being “Christian” in the sense that people in the Southern U.S. would define it.

78 per cent of the U.S. may be “christian” but only about 35 per cent would qualify as “Christian” Don’t believe what you see on TV. I live in the U.S. and I have only met one or two of the Capital C kind you’re talking about.

I have many, many thoughts about Trump’s supporters and Pharisaical Christians like the OP but it’s really not relevant to being an Air host so I’ll keep them to myself. Your Aunt Ruth is probably like many of my late aunts.

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We have two different neighbors, one with a Hillary sign and one with a Trump sign. Im not saying who did it, but they definitely got reversed one night :sob::stuck_out_tongue::sob::stuck_out_tongue::sob:

Sorry @KKC


I was in public schools travelling around perhaps 20 states a decade or two back!
You’d be very surprised. Given the regulations now, we found it to be the case!
For good or ill, that is now the new normal!

Oh my! What do the siblings say about that??!!


I am so glad that I happened onto this site. I was contemplating having my home be an Airbnb. However there are activities that I would not want to take place in my home whether I was there or not. I see that people get all bent out of shape just because something was advertised. They weren’t being coerced to come nor were they even being encouraged to come.

It is too bad when people who have different likes and dislikes or values can’t get along. Anyone who is turned off by the word Christian should just go someplace else and not get all In a huff that somebody has that value. They can’t say they weren’t warned.

Again, I’m glad I saw these postings. If I decide to have an Airbnb it will be through my church. I don’t expect everybody to believe exactly like I do even then, but I will know that they understand My motives.

Agreed! Anyone who books as a guest with me and says "Christian’ as a way of identifying themselves is a red flag to me, since I prefer guests who do not defer to their ‘faith’ for their values and who accept and love everyone, not just the small subset that they have…


You don’t have to take any animals in a shared space. Read the TOS.

I’m glad Gloria found something useful to take from this site but I’m closing this thread since it’s half a decade old.