When can you say "not far to the metro"?

I would like to cram “not far to Metro” (subway) into the limited length listing title but don’t want to annoy people whose definition of “not far” is not mine. It is a 1 mile level walk on good sidewalks,with crossing lights. (There is a second route that is 0.9 but has a hill and one scary no light crossing, so I don’t send people that way.) So I don’t feel it is quite right to say “close to” or “near” Metro, although I’ve gotten positive comments on proximity. This is all detailed in the description but we know not everyone reads that! Some other hosts in my area say they are close to Metro when I can tell they are significantly further away, or they might say “5 to Metro” but whoa those are long blocks. (Like real estate listings that say “one light to [city]” haha). Or should I just say “1 mi to Metro” in the title, which is uncontestably accurate? This seems kind of inconsequential now that I reread my question, but I’m worried about it. I want credit for location but don’t want to mislead.

Give the an estimate of walk time [with a caveat, depending on how fast you walk], distance in miles and distance in km. 1 mile isn’t really “not far from” for many, many people. For others, it is their normal morning promenade.

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Yes I think you answered your own question. I think my proximity to the interstate for the vast majority of my guest is important so I make room for it in my title. You really need to know why people are coming to your town and how important that is. To me, 1 mile isn’t bad but it’s not “close.”

One mile is only “close” is you’re listing blast radius for large explosions!!
Use 1 mi to Metro.

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And if you have any visitors from any other country:

1 mile ( 1.6 km ) from the metro.

or if it’s in the character limted title and you need more spaces I suggest “1mi/1.6km to Metro”

@KKC. Good point. I wasn’t thinking about the title which is quite finite.

Is it really such an advantage that it needs to be out in the title? Doesn’t the place have other attractions that would interest guests? One mile to the metro doesn’t seem to be outstanding to me.

We are just over a mile to the beach but don’t say so in the title because our listing has other advantages and anyway, potential guests can evaluate the distance from the map. We mention the distance to the beach within the listing itself.

It’s always a good idea to mention the distance rather than the time taken. I had a guest who I told that walking to the beach takes 45 minutes. The next day she said ‘nonsense, it took me twenty minutes’. I amble, she strides. And saying ‘near’ or ‘close’ if far too subjective.

I agree with others that say not to mention it in the title. For most people, “close” or “not far” means within 5-10 minutes walking distance, I’m guessing.
So you will only open yourself up to complaints from guests who can’t walk more than a few metres before feeling faint with exhaustion and accuse you of false advertising. A mile is close for me but won’t be for others. Mention it in the listing description but not in the title.

Thank you o wise hosts! Appreciate the suggestions and perspective.