Report this Listing? (traveler question)

This listing is by a verified user who has been on AirBNB since 2015. She has 2 traveler reviews, no host reviews and a new listing (no reviews). Her listing literally says to contact her externally right in the listing.

About this listing

Before you request to book, please email me with your dates at: airbnb.destinations@ǵmᾶil.c̄όṁ

I am unable to update the listing calendar so please send me an email with your dates and I will let you know if they are or not available or else your booking will be declined.
You must include the listing title in your message.

Against my better judgement, I did contact her for availability. She answered a bunch of questions but then, upon my submitting the booking request (on AirBNB) she asked for a whole bunch of information including a copy of govt. ID which I did NOT send.

Since submitting my booking request, she has gone ghost and has been completely non-responsive. Am I overreacting or would it be appropriate to report her?

Google is your friend. If it is too good to be true, it usually is. $900 a night, last minute cancelations, looks suspicious!

Looks like a stolen listing:

my thoughts exactly.:disappointed:

Note the price difference!

yes, sadly I found this site also (but only after I had emailed her for the dates). I am going to flag the listing so they will take it down.

As my realtor would say “Either lower your expectations or increase your budget.” I suspect you are quite disappointed. Be glad you didn’t send any more information to them.


I am very relieved I did NOT! I did send my name and address. I hope my identity has not just been stolen.

So very obviously a scam. Please report the host.

I don’t think flagging does much. Ifyou have the time or energy to call or email airbnb, please do so.

Thanks, all. Yes, I did flag the listing as well as emailed their trust & safety department and the listing is now down. :grin:

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