Branched thread discussing politics

Surely this is intended to be ironic humor!


Not really, just a hope. To me, he is an absolute rogue, and if you are having a hard time understanding how, why he is the president-elect now, so am I. I thought he was running for president as a joke from the outset. I thought he was just having ‘fun’. I would have given you 100:1 odds he could never win the nomination, back in 2015, and felt I would have easily won that bet. I am a Rubio fan (Kasich 2nd) , but I do realize he is not ready yet, needs to be a governor first, maybe someday. My own son campaigned for Hillary. :rolling_eyes:. We did have fun with that one.


governor? Much too boring and pedestrian for him.
No, Trump needs to go back to reality show hawker and hotel guy.

In fact, the Electoral College was created because the slave states wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to have representation proportional to the size of their population even though much of that population couldn’t vote and certainly wouldn’t have their interests represented by the U. S. government.

Rubio needs to be governor, so can expand his present too-rigid of positions, no doubt. Kasich was just fine.

I though Trump was just an ‘entertainer’ of sorts, a hotel kind of guy like you say. Honestly, all throughout the electoral process I kept saying to myself: ‘Oh come on, lets be real’. LoL

Ellen: Was going to get into all that (the clamor from southern states) but wiped it out, kept it conceptual, since the post got way too long.

How does being governor “expand” too rigid positions? When Reagan was governor of California, he was pro-choice and pro-gun control. The cynical view is that he changed his position to suit religious conservatives.

I see what you are saying.
Well kasich was the one the Hamilton electors mentioned as being the possible compromise candidate that both Dems and Repubs can get behind.

I would rather have almost any Republican before Trump.

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Well when you are governor, of a state such as Florida, you got to represent all people collectively; tends to broadens one’s responsibilities and thinking. Reagan?, another unusual story.

Same kona. I have no clue how Trump is the president-elect. Zero.

/Thursday Night Football calls…good stuff all. We sure covered a lot of ground, beyond ‘lodging’. Stay cool.

I can only look on in horror.

It is honestly like America has lost its mind and nobody is putting the brakes on this train wreck. The majority of people don’t want this outcome.

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I, too, thought Trump was a joke and paid no attention to it at all. I also am aghast that he was on the ballot.

But I think I have an inkling as to why he was elected - because a huge number of people were tired of being told what to believe and what they can say. They were tired of politicians being politicians. Of never answering any question, of always sucking-up to everyone. They wanted someone who was going to ‘shake things up’. They wanted to NOT be told who to vote for by the media. And, many people have issues with a number of decisions Hillary Clinton has made, and questioned her ability to lead the country.

My own father voted for Trump. A strong, 94 year old man who flew 79 missions over the Alps (Brenner Pass for those who know, stationed in Corsica, bombing a bridge used by trains to supply the Germans in Italy.) - a very heck of a smart guy who can fix anything, who has worked every single day of his life, if not for money, then because he’s interested in fixing, creating, doing. He took us to Symphony Hall to hear Arthur Fielder, read extensively, gardened, built, fixed. He’s nursed my mom faithfully since 1986 when she had a massive stroke. He watches the news, the political talk shows, reads the paper, knows how to have a conversation. I was stunned he had voted for Trump. But he echoed what I said in the preceding paragraph. He liked that Trump wasn’t afraid to tell the truth, that he was going to make some changes, etc etc. My father is not racist nor anti-immigrant. He was just sick of all the bs we are fed every day.

I add all those details about my dad just to show that not everyone who voted for Mr. Trump is ignorant, uneducated, etc. In this one case, anyway, he was just tired of the practiced, rehearsed, kiss-ass rhetoric he’s been listening to forever.

I’m not very political, I don’t have an extensive knowledge of history, so no one has to attack me for this opinion - like everyone else I feel like I’m watching a train wreck and can only watch in horror.

On another issue - David McCullough wrote a very extensive biography of Truman and his view of the situation is very different.


I know people like to say this, but what does it even mean when we’re talking about a pathological liar?


I liked this so I could unlike it and like it again because that’s how much I liked it.


Good point misspoke - how else should that be phrased?

Oh, because says what he is thinking. Unfortunately, what he’s thinking is often horrifying.


But I think you DIDNT misspeak. I think you basically summed up in a nutshell why he got elected. A vast swath of voters–not the majority–believed what you just said. That he is not afraid to tell the truth! That was his con!

Now they will wake up and realize we will have a country run by extremists, climate deniers, oligarchs, Goldman Sachs executives, neo cons, people against public education and a clean environment. An administration that vowed to dismantle our healthcare and social security. We have a drunk flight crew at the helm ladies and gentleman.

Get ready for a bumpy ride. We may never land safely.


Yes looks like a lot of people confused saying what you’re thinking with telling the truth. Not at all the same thing.

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Why are people whining now Trump has been elected?!

You should have whined months ago when HC got elected as the democratic candidate.
That was the moment the democrats should have woken up.
HC is the devil’s right hand, Trump is a lunatic, but HC is evil in its purest form.

HC is the root cause for the anarchy in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Jordan, just because her Arab friends want another big oil pipeline. Yes,there are a lot of civilian deaths in Syria, but if the Americans do it, it is collateral damage, if the Russians do it, it is a war crime.
Everyone knows Assad is the only solution for Syria. Afghanistan and Irak have shown that the international community (especially the US) are not able (and willing) to stabilize anything in the middle east.

HC’s next step would be turning Europe into a battlefield against Russia.

I am not happy about Trump, but anything is better than another Clinton.

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That’s ridiculous. And if I’d say the same if someone posted that about Trump. All this over the top rhetoric about how awful Americans are is…awful. It’s a combination of people reading fake, sensationalistic news and living in relatively peaceful and prosperous times.

Assad is pure evil, Putin is evil, Clinton and Trump are polarizing figures. If everyone is evil, no one is. We need to get a grip on reality.


For people who have forgotten what “pure evil” is here are some current incarnations:


The borgenproject as if that is real news, if the Huffington Post likes them, all alarm bells start ringing.

Oh, they put Kim Jong-Il as a evil dictator… why haven’t they put his son, Kim Jong-un on that list?

Any idea on the events leading to the war in Syria? And how it started in Libya? You will be surprised.

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No. I won’t.

I’m not interested in running a seminar, especially for someone who can’t even tell the difference between the blog of a non-profit and “news.”