Are reviews working? I keep getting error 500

I have been experiencing this issues since 3 days. I want to write a response to a review and when I click the corresponding link (In my menu - Reviews, or in AirBnB email the button “Write a Response”) I get Error 500.

Can somebody please tell me if the link is working on their side?
I am still getting Error 500 and I’d like to reply to the last two reviews we have received.

I can’t say. I clicked on the link but then it wants me to log in and when I did so it wanted me to verify my account and it’s all in Italian so I just closed the window.

I have changed the link to dot com, sorry!

It worked for me…

I have been getting this for a week now.
Is it because my calendar is blocked? Or because my host score is just 80%?

I don’t know. I think I’d call them if you really want to respond to those reviews.

It works for me but the URL is wrong. It shows me my own reviews. Obviously this is because I’m logged in but the URL is generic and not specific to your listing.

My service also connects to check the reviews available on that same page and check reviews eery hour. I can see that this still works, but the error rate is quite high (about 10%).

It has nothing to do with anything on your part, it is a problem on theirs.

Some of mine went through and some gave me that error message, as well. I called and they said they all went through. One hasn’t shown up yet, but it should be visible, because they told me the guest’s review was there. Airbnb is looking into it.

It is finally working. Frankly, I am appalled it took them so long to fix this issue.

Just an update.

I wrote in reply to a review:

So glad you had an amazing time at our place. Come back anytime!

And it was automatically censored and it displays like this now:

So glad you had an amazing (EMAIL HIDDEN)e back anytime!

I have contacted AirBnB to fix this as it looks like I was trying to do something bad/not allowed. May I repeat myself and refrain that I am appalled that they are putting so little care in their review system, considering AirBnB is a platform based on trust on others’ reviews?! :rage:

Is the problem the word “at?” The system thinks you are trying to put an email address in there?

I’m not saying it’s okay, just wondering why the automatic censor does that. It really makes you want to give up responding.

Maybe there is a filter that says “if there is at and a dot in the same sentence, censor it”. However, the preposition at is not that uncommon in English. Too bad I cannot edit that myself.

Following the dot (period) at the end of the sentence was the word “come” (“Come back anytime!”)…so it censored the first three letters: “com” and hid it and just allowed the “e”.

All to prevent a possible email from being displayed. Sheesh.

I’ve had a lot of messages censored. I once responded to an Italian guest and tried to say “thanks to Google translate,” and it put (url hidden) in there. That’s the same google translate that airbnb uses to translate reviews, but nooooo. It hasn’t effected my business so I don’t worry about it.

It looks like you nailed it. After a few hours I got an apology email and now my reply is displayed as follows (note that they changed the dot for a comma).

So glad you had an amazing time at our place, come back anytime!

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