Any suggestions on how to deter guests who support Trump?

Aye felix, there are enough fun and enlightening neutral subjects (besides good-old boring weather) to share without having to get into the ‘heavy’ ones.

Such as, ‘So where have your travels taken you thus far?’. Now there is a ‘safe’ one.

Or - ‘So how did you hear of my great fantastic place?’. The used-car salesman approach.


Mearns, your comments are brilliant, for sure. And a very good philosophy. Having said that, if certain subjects come up and all are in the mood to openly listen to another, it´s also a healthy thing and I don´t think someone should be scared of it. A wise person should discern what waters not to wade into.

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I hear you teak; actually, I have had the best of deep conversations with guests even on the ‘heavies’, from A to Z, once I know it is cool to do so. I have to spend time with my guests (at least 30-45 minute boat ride) so presents a great opportunity to exchange with them. I find that the most fun aspect out of the whole hosting experience, since I have found that just about everyone does indeed have a ‘good story’.

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POC - Donald Trump is a person of color. Orange. Why isn’t HE welcome in your home?

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Remember… Hitler was democratically elected and part of his appeal was to “right the wrongs” Germany felt were imposed on them after the Treaty of Versailles. That’s why one of the first things Hitler wanted to do was march into the Rhineland. So many Germans were on board because he promised to “make Germany great again.” That exact line has been chillingly found in one of his speeches.

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kona: The Treaty of Versailles is considered by any historian with an IQ above 40, to be the 20th Century’s greatest colossal blunder… WWI, is called the ‘Great War’, for people, at that time, thought it would surely be the ‘Last War’, it only ensured the 'Real War" (WWII 55,000,000 dead). For a true lesson on being very careful of what you ask a certain segment of a population at the glee of the ‘other’ side, you should read Woodrow Wilson’s prediction as to who, why, how (lightning war) and even WHEN the ‘Real War’ (WWII) was to begin, exactly 20 years (1919, at the time of the Treaty of Versailles) before WWII actually happened (1939). A heck of a visionary.

The point is: Trump (no doubt, a bombastic fellow) isn’t some nut like Hitler; he represents a very disgusted but important segment of the US population, that needs to be heard and incorporate into the ‘new’ America. whatever that may be. If anything else because the ‘new’ America will need them, they are indeed vital to achieve a better nation in the future. What the US needs is a person that yes will get elected by their ‘segment’, but turns around and then represents ALL the nation’s people; frankly, I am at a total loss who that person is.


Yes indeed… the current situation is nothing like a nation scorned by a bad treaty… and agree, certain factors have been rumbling now for years in the U.S. to conspire to create it… In other words, the rise of Trump is no accident! That said, I would never question my guests about their political beliefs. If they met all my requirements and were good guests otherwise, I would gladly keep their cash and not talk politics. Hey we can’t talk politics within my family at holiday gatherings.

To lighten things up… please watch this hilarious spoof from Saturday Night Live:

No matter what we have a very very interesting election coming up!

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Good clip! This be a fascinating election indeed! Its us humans at play, we are indeed a funny lot.

Anyone does not want a Trump supporter then send them my way along with any Libs, Commies and LGBT’s, etc.


Hahaha lucky. “Send me your tired, your poor, your political rejects!”

Just as long as their checks don’t bounce I promise to not care what politics they are interested in.


you are being ridiculous. I dont let politics affect my business. I host both liberals and conservatives.I dont really talk politics w any guests, if possible…I will detract to another topic. Its business and I am here to make money. I do own a separate guest house so I have minimal contact; I would never host inside my own home; its hard enough to live with a husband and 2 dogs let alone strangers!


They would probably think LGBT was a special sandwich that you served. It would be good to have a familiar term or symbol. Maybe I’ll photoshop my profile pix and include a black woman with her arms around me…

I had an inquiry in July from a old craiglist ad for a month;s lodging. It was from a political consultant. Because I rent a room in my home I had to decline, as she was working for a candidate that was a Trump-clone. Losing the income really hurt, but I’ve worked campaigns and you just don’t call it quits for the day and go home to normal. You eat and sleep the campaign. It would have been difficult for both of us. I was honest, told her it wasn’t a good fit and suggested she go to Airbnb.


You have to put down POC or LGBT friendly, really ?

I kinda see why Airbnb are making a move on discrimination, as a host, you should be welcoming to any person along as they live within the laws of the country. Gay, colour, religion should not come into the equation nor should political beliefs. If you are a host on a public platform, I don’t think you should be avoiding someone because of what they believe, you have to be professional. You have to rise above politics and whatever Trump stands for. ( He has rubbed parts of Ireland and Scotland up the wrong way so not hugely popular here either )

I had a gay guy stay with me a month, and he introduced himself as gay first, I kinda see why now. Have a black female muslim coming for 3 months.

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Where does Airbnb say it forbids discussion of politics? Holy high heavens I have been breaking this rule with my guests for a long time! And does it say anything about religion? I am always asking people who are religious WHY they are religious…I will also ask them their sexual orientation to see if they want to know about local gay bars I know of. I ask guests their age, their job, their pay…lol…I guess I ask too much but if they are not entertaining then why the hell would I want them to stay in my house with me?

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In the review.

We don’t allow:
Reviews unrelated to the actual reservation (ex: political, religious, or social commentary).

I can’t believe I’m reading hosts being discriminatory re a guests politics. I’m all for not hosting bedbugs, but as long as people pay the bill and follow the rules, it’s none of my business who they vote for, make love to or what race they are. I’m appalled that Trump is on the ballot. Get over yourselves, Trump or Clintin supporters don’t think about a host’s politics when they book a room, they want a clean, comfortable place to sleep. No wonder Airnb is having to spell out re discrimination.


Love him or hate him, this is a ridiculous and untrue statement.


I haven’t commented on this in a while, so let me just say that I’d rather avoid having people in my home who consider me to be a second-class citizen. Self-respect is more important than money.


In my listings, I state the following.

“All will be welcomed into our home. We are LGTBQIA friendly. We do not tolerate -ISMS::racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia or ethnic discrimination. We encourage open minds and open hearts.”