Adventures in babysitting (I mean hosting)

I could have but I’m using it on a huge dog bed I made out of old memory foam mattress topper instead. it doesn’t bother the dogs. LOL.

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Oh that comment just struck me as funny! Never even thought that an adult peeing the bed was a possibility but you’ve opened my eyes dearest @EllenN. All giggling aside, it is TERRIBLE that this happened to you :worried:. The things we learn on this forum!

I put in to the Resolution Center for $392.00 which is the amount of a new Tuft & Needle mattress. I just got word that the guest approved the payment and I should receive it by 09-01. Although he REALLY should have been honest with me about what happened; I feel better now that he did the right thing and didn’t make me fight him.

Regarding adults peeing in beds. It is surprisingly not that uncommon for people who binge drink. Personally, I’m a lightweight. My body tells me to quit after one cocktail or two glasses of wine. I had a friend who was a binge drinker. She told me that one night she got so drunk she didn’t wake up when she needed to pee so she peed in her date’s bed. There was no second date.

Glad to hear it!

Nooooooo :scream::scream::scream: Well no wonder there wasn’t a second date…I’d be pissed off too (I made a funny!).


Helluva a first date. Wonder what stories her “date” had to tell!

She was quite a wild woman. She is semi bisexual and got kicked out of a lesbian bar for having sex in the bathroom. I told her I don’t even want to think about what you have to be doing to get kicked out of a lesbian bar for having sex.

LOL!!! Now that is funny. Glad they reimbursed you, as they should! ugh!!!

Hahahaha, another good one! :smile:

Hello everyone,

So, this saga came to an abrupt end this morning. (Warning: lots of words coming up.)

I got up at 7.20 am to lend this person my laptop computer (for the third time) so he could book his return flight. He was scheduled to check out today (30th )

We had arranged the day before to meet at 8 am. So at 8 am I met with him, set up the computer for him, and a bit later he wanted his boarding pass printed, so I printed it out. After handing the printout to him, and while I was starting to pack up the computer. he said that he was planning to check out now. (We had arranged the day before to do checkout at 12.30 pm.) He then asked whether he could leave his luggage here after checkout, and pick it up later. I thought to myself, approximately - oh, crap.

As already mentioned here and elsewhere, I won’t keep luggage before or after checkout. There’s discussion of this in

Well, I didn’t expect this person to respond well, given his track record before. But after a minute or two of trying to persuade me, he switched fairly rapidly to yelling abuse and threats. Yes, really. I must admit, I didn’t expect that. He said that everywhere in the world he has gone, people have let him leave luggage after checkout. I tried to ask him if and when he wanted to check out, but he wasn’t listening. The last thing he said to me as I left is “I will leave you a bad review!” That was the threat part.

Shortly afterwards, I heard him in the living room (where guests aren’t supposed to go), and we had another brief chat. He wasn’t very coherent, but sentence fragments I made out were “you are stubborn”, “you are always concerned about your procedure”, “you should go to a psychiatric hospital to find out what’s wrong with you” (I swear I’m not making this up). I said to him something like: “Sir, yelling at me is making it less likely that I will do what you ask, not more likely”. But I don’t think he was listening.

He then walked out with his wife (who didn’t contribute anything to the conversation). His parting words were something like “wait and see what comments I leave”.

Needless to say, he’d never bought up the leaving luggage behind bit before, otherwise I’d immediately have told him no. I did some checking online, and apparently you can leave luggage at CST , though I have not checked that out. But I never got a chance to suggest that to him.

I’m just wondering, is this kind of reaction common? Or did I encounter a special person?

What a complete moron!! So sorry to hear this Faheem. No, his outrage is not normal. But the manipulation he tried to pull is common amongst guests. He tried to put you on the spot with the whole luggage thing…and then assumed you would just be caught off guard and say “ummm…I guess it’s okay.”

I cannot believe he is threatening you with a negative review. It seems he is not worried you are not going to slam his ass (with all of our help writing it)??

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Hi @cabinhost,

Glad to hear this is not normal. This kind of thing could get old fast. I’ve not really been doing this long, so I don’t know. But if people reported this kind of thing here, I missed it.

If I hadn’t been part of this forum, I might have done. But forewarned is forearmed. :slight_smile: (Did I mention you guys are the greatest?)

He’s definitely getting a negative review from me. This is firmly in Bad Guest territory.
This is exactly why the review system exists, so not to review him would make a mockery of the system.

And I’m not sure what he was thinking. He didn’t seem very rational.

Oh faheem…and I am in one foul mood right now - perfect time for me to help write a negative review. Tallk about adventures in babysitting - I just cannot get into it right now and explain everything that is going on with my current guests.

I am very diligent about screening, being extremely clear…even to the point of coming across as a bit bossy. And this person is still trying to pull one over on me. I didnt find this out until a couple of hours ago. I won’t share any details as of right now. But what a bunch of idiots. What part did they miss in my house notes that says I have surveillance cameras??? !!!

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Do tell. We’re listening. Maybe another thread called “babysitting in NC”? :slight_smile:

Cameras! Yay. I can’t wait to read the story. (So I’m mostly posting to follow)

I agree. And in life, not airbnb, it seems like the people who are quickest to say you need to see a psychiatrist are the ones who are mentally off.


I have to disappoint as it is no juicy story of breaking up the wedding ceremony right before the 'I do’s" or anything like that.

Just completely agitated with manipulators. I am grateful I have not had to encounter dishonest guests for quite a long time (aside from the damage hiders). I have calmed down, had my discussions with them, and will see how it plays out by the end of the week…

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Dammit. I’m disappointed too. I want Juicy!

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@Faheem – so sorry! No, this is not normal. I have never had a guest go off on me (except via messaging due to a bad review I left). You cannot control others’ behavior, just your reaction. Shake it off and know that you are a wonderful host and a good (and super smart math-head) person. Write something scathing!

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Well I just hope it doesn’t end in a juicy story…lol.

But this is definitely a babysitting job.

I had one guest who got irate and it was a very ugly encounter. This was at the beginning of his stay. He tried to push and push and push boundaries. It doesn’t help that my partner was just as hot-headed as him. It did get ugly. So it does happen…but not the norm…

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It sounds like that was a difficult situation for you. I’m generally fairly good at diffusing these sorts of situations. (Nobody wants to have a fight with a stranger in a business context.) But not in this case.