Your Real ROI (return to investment) (turnover)

Yes, I do.

But are you just going to ask the question and not answer when you are asked questions? That’s not how things work.

There are many factors to be taken into consideration here and I think that fact that you are a new member who joined less than twenty four hours ago and your first post is asking for personal financial details that not everyone would want published on the internet, are but two.


No, I really don’t think that that is relevant to your question since my property is not an investment.


This is not classified FBI information
I am Portuguese but I have a property in Turkey and I want to sell it
I am researching whether it is better to invest in Spain or France
And which area is better
And whether a small hotel is better or a normal house

I think that you might have better luck with your research elsewhere. When you do try a place where investor landlords post, I’d tell them the reasons for your questions up front.


I no understand you
My ROI is low in Turkey
I’m trying to figure out why this is and whether other cities or countries are the same or not
No one forced you to comment on this matter and you can not write anything here

This is an international forum.
You are going to get many many different responses to your question.
Personally I could not have a STR that was hours away from me, as I don’t consider this to be passive income.
I started 5 years ago. The rules about having STR properties has changed dramatically in my area. I have been grandfathered in, but I would find it difficult to set one up now.
Changed rules
Changed guests
Ridiculous property prices
Appalling service from CSR.
I am in the process of setting up a website as I am over being held hostage by OTA’s


Okay. I write nothing here again.


Me too.

nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here

I, for one, am going to delete my response. I’ve had enough of his entitled attitude.


built one villa for 120.000 USD, land about 10.000 usd, and now almost fully booked renting daily more than 500 usd, fully booked, 15000 USD a month

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I don’t think you’re going to get reliable answers here because most of us are not accountants and are probably calculating ROI in very different ways, maybe not factoring in taxes, probably looking at their original investment (perhaps bought many years ago) rather than considering their annual return based on the property’s current value. For you looking at current value might be most relevant measure of investment but most people would look at their original investment value as their investment.

I suspect that most are not factoring in the value of their time.

You’re actually asking a complicated question that would take a lot of time to answer accurately.


That’s probably because you seem to assume that all hosts are “investors”, when that is not the case for a great many hosts on this forum. Many of us host in our own homes, or on properties already owned or inherited, not properties bought with the sole objective of renting out.

And you are asking for information which varies greatly depending on a number of factors, there isn’t some standard across the board answer, in terms of what numbers are “good” or reasonable. Location, seasonality, competition, type of dwelling, amenities provided. Your question is overly simplistic.


Do you figure in expenses in this equation?

You have a country with an authoritarian ruler, in an area surrounded by somewhat unfriendly and often unstable neighbors, an economy in shambles, and a war on the other side of the Black Sea where Turkey controls all ship traffic.

It’s not surprising that Americans and Europeans are not as enthusiastic about visiting Turkey as they were 10 years ago.


ROI = Net income / Cost of investment x 100

Looking at a full year of income (2021) - every year is different depending on expenses
1 STR and 3 LTR in the USA
We had a lot of expenses last year for one LTR which brought our ROI down for the year, so because of that for 2021 we were at 3.5% overall but so far for 2022 (up until the end of August), we are at 6.9% overall.

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Thats perefct

I think its normal and average rate