Would you list a clean, decent laundry room?

As long as we are waxing technical…
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My father designed the stucture of most of the CANDU reactors prior to 86. My ex is a PEng. Current partner is a general contractor. Between the lot of us we can bring a chicken coop up to code. But my best qualification is “mother”.

This is my defensive response. Now I will shut up. :wink:

The question had more to do with fit. 3 years ago this would not have been an issue on Airbnb. Now things are changing. I see lots of basement rooms and bunk beds.


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It sounds lovely. Just describe it properly and you’re golden. I look for places like that because they’re inexpensive, I travel light, and if the wifi is good and no one is traipsing through unannounced (you said they don’t), then I’d be thrilled to have my private little laundry cave at a good price.

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I saw somewhere that a lady in UK listed her back truck and a tent, so why not? But be aware of the type of people it will attract.
I had my share of weirdos…

No shortage of weirdos at this end.

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