Would you accept guest Without a profile photo?

I’m interested to know how foolproof you have found this? Personally, I’ve found that the vast majority of guests actually look nothing like their profile photo - to be frank, they are WAAAY older, fatter, uglier, untidier etc etc when they turn up.
Often to the extent where I have to say “Hello! So which one of you is John?” Sometimes followed by “Ah right, sorry, thanks - yes, two margharitas and a pepperoni, cheers”.
The opposite has happened too,

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In our case it has been pretty accurate. The vast majority look like their pictures within a few years/hairstyles, etc.

Wow, good for you! I have to say I can probably count on one hand the times there is a good match. But I don’t really care what they look like, end of the day, so it’s all the same to me. The day the pizza guy turns up with a couple of suitcases will flummox me, though lol.

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Most of our guests who have profile pics do resemble them fairly accurately. I guess we have been lucky. I will also say that the ones I was most concerned about (no pic, a car, a flower, a cat, a pipe, a beard, an ibis, etc…) turned out to be fabulous. I used to be very concerned about hosting anyone without a pic, but I have found that to be a pretty poor barometer. I do get concerned if they have poor communication, though. Because we live here, I like to feel like I have some sort of connection with the guests staying with us.

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