Who is going to Airbnb Open 2016?

I’m planning to sign up for Airbnb Open 2016 in Los Angeles. Paris last year was great (except from the terror attacks) Who else is going? :slight_smile:

I would love to go, but I don’t think it’s in the plan for this year. Take good notes!!

Convention for true believers, I have no interest.


That’s amazing that Airbnb is your full time job. You must have several properties that you rent that would sustain you without having a “daytime job”. :slight_smile:

I live in Long Beach. Not far from the convention. I’m wondering if I can just show up and buy a pass to get in on the day of. Need to check that out.

@J_Wang Thanks, actually I’m renting only two properties, one apartment and one room in the apartment I live in - and combinations. I’m doing some freelancing as well

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@KKC Do you happen to know the address of the venue where it’s being held?

Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

@J_Wang Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Sure! It’s an interesting area, a bit rough around the edges, but with some interesting things to see and do.

I just looked, again, at the “speakers” at this event and realized how strange this convention seems. All the “speakers” are so very far removed from the vast majority of us hosts. These people are “famous” and would not in their wildest dreams be cleaning bathroom floors and shopping for cheap toilet paper and putting up with budget travelers. So why are we gathering at this event to hear them speak?

However! Just out of morbid fascination I may find myself going since I live pretty near the L.A. Convention Center. I might even get Gwyneth to sign a napkin ;))))


Its not at the Convention Center !!

A Festival of Hosting

Join us for presentations from Airbnb’s leaders, celebrated speakers, musicians, and artists in 4 historic movie palaces in Downtown LA. Our global community will gather at the Orpheum, the Los Angeles Theatre, the Downtown Palace Theatre, and the Theatre at Ace Hotel.

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Wow. How complicated and expensive! The Ace Hotel? A drink costs $10–of water. And all those other venues?

20 characters and no fewer

Its about meeting with other Hosts from around the world . Learning How to be a better host and how to make more money from your listing . The Celebrities are just part of the glitter factor and not the real main event .
It is on the expensive side , but I think they will do Day passes for local hosts in the LA area . There will be over 200 classes and workshops to go to and House tours of some of the Best Airbnb’s in LA .
I have done the last two , the first one here in San Francisco and the last one in Paris . This year Airbnb is calling it a Festival , but it really is a Business Conference with a Major party factor . Most Attendees think of it as a Business Investment and also a Business write off for taxes as its Business related . If going to the event helped you make an additional $1000 or $1500 per year , even at the cost of going to the event cost you $300 , you still make a bit of Money after your expenses .

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I can’t imagine what helpful tips Gywneth, the swell musicians and actors are going to tell me. How to keep the toilet bowl sparkling? :))) I hope Air posts all these money-making tips so those who can’t afford to come to this event and spend big bucks on dwinks at these Party venues can boost their income.

its not them that you learn from, LOL.As I said there are Many peer lead classes for you to take and meet other Host to learn from . Keep looking for class updates on the Open website to see what they offer

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I’m still confused about the venue, as I’ve seen different locations. Is this the correct one ?

I certainly will because I am very curious. The only drawback is that it does seem very expensive. I’m also wondering why not share these “classes” online to hosts?

Jan J , It is being held at separate theater venues in downtown LA for the Keynote speakers and presentations . If you visit the Open Website , it will have more details .