White Noise Generators

Absolutely not! We are extremely mindful about the space. It might be possible, however, that the guests want to block out THEIR noises with it… The first guest who needed white noise to sleep told me such when I questioned them if there was a malfunction with the fan not shutting off, as we could hear it running solidly, even while they were away for the day. I know that some people used to city noises might find The Studio too quiet. Or if it were spring or summer, and their windows were open, the morning bird song can begin at dawn; some people might find it disturbing. Whatever the reason, my question was about leaving a note asking that the fan not be left on. I would prefer that a white noise generator be used, and one already exists bedside with the Alexa Show. Someone had a great idea that I could suggest specific ones that guests could use on their own phones.

You’re welcome. LOL.

The free one I use is here: White Noise - Best Sleeping App for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows

I happen to know a fair bit about wiring and electrical. It is common to have the same load coming into the box with separate switches for the light and fan. I doubt that “heat” is involved on that circuit.
Even without seeing the wiring, it is pretty likely one can re-wire and put fan and light on a single timer switch or motion sensor switch, or separate timer/motion switches.
As some noted, replacing the vent fan is a good option. For $50-100, the new models are very quiet. They are cheaper with more options on Amazon, etc than home depot.
A good choice would be a model rated at 0.3 or 0.5 sones. Those are VERY quiet.


My bathroom fans are all timer/moisture controlled.

During the day, they run when the moisture level is high. Between 09:00 and 22:00 they start delayed run for 15 minutes after the light has been switched off.

(I’m a bit of a domotica nerd. I run a mix of wifi and z-wave based sensors and switches to control lights, fans, pumps and valves in my house)

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