When hosts respond publicly to private feedback

Oh wow! I didn’t do that! It would be pretty clear to the reader that my guest messed up the fields. Her “review” was sent to me privately. It was her first abb.

That public response is so obnoxious that you posted! Funny though!

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That wasn’t a response. It was the guests review! Obnoxious squared.

Oh gawd. That’s so over the top! Who do they think is really going to see that, but future hosts? That self promotion seems like a waste of time.

I guess it works for them. I clicked away and didn’t investigate too much more closely.

I feel quite sick reading that! It’s the essence of UnEnglishness.


I’m trying to remember where it was. Maybe Costa Rica because I was thinking of sneaking away by myself a few days this fall. Or maybe one of my guests stayed with this host. It’s hell getting old but it’s better than the alternative.

However, it did seem to me that the owners of the place were not native English speakers. (I know you meant English nationality, not English language but it reminded me). The wording was much more awkward than my reconstruction above.

Edit to add: I have adjustable shower water pressure. I increase it for the single men, decrease for single women, put in the middle for mixed sex couples and follow sex stereotypes for same sex couples.

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This bit went over my head (?) As usual, I’m probably missing the obvious, or an inside joke!

You’ve quoted two different posts which aren’t related. And I don’t know which one is referenced.

The two quotes I listed were from the same (single) post of yours. I’m posting your whole post below. I was just using those two posts to show where my confusion originated from. Which clearly added more confusion? I was confused by the “Edit to Add” portion. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::sweat_smile:

My sister in law works for a major, national accommodation company and she says that research shows you should reply to 48% of all reviews, doing so to the most detailed ones.

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I was scanning hotels at Expedia, and I have to admit I was favorably impressed by one that replied to every negative review. I thought, at least they are reading the reviews. The replies made no admissions, but were professional and indicated (whether they meant it or not) follow through. Something like:

“We are sorry the room was not up to your expectations, and have referred your comments on the shower pressure to our maintenance department. We thank you for bring the matter to our attention and for booking with us. We strive to blah blah blah . . .”

Of course, I don’t have a “maintenance department”; I AM the maintenance department.


In my case it was purely down to the fact that I was new to hosting and the email didn‘t make it that Lear to me whether my answer would be published or not. I know better now and would only respond to correct gross misconceptions which, fortunately, I have not yet encountered.

These replies get old so fast and even more so if problems are recurrently mentioned …

For Airbnb …as jaquo wrote: only new and pretty unprofessional …
Anyways after 100 plus reviews even the most persistent response happy host will start to slack off and soon it will be …

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Good for you for accepting your friend’s honest, objective (and humorous) feedback!

Obviously, dealing with silly criticisms from daft guests isn’t easy for anyone. What surprises me are the hosts/members who seem equally resistant to the generous, well-earned advice offered by friends and peers on this site! It’s baffling to me. I mean…if they’ve got all the answers, why are they here?


We also respond to every review. If someone has taken the trouble to write a review, it seems only common courtesy to say thanks, even if there are no contentious issues raised.

It also shows potential guests that we appreciate guests writing reviews. So a win win.


Didn’t know about this offering. But I’m having trouble downloading it. I have Crome but after I press download it just shows an icon and an example of “reviews”. What do I do next please?

Go to a guest’s profile page and look at the reviews section. You will see reviews that your guest left other hosts start to load.

Thanks. But all I get are host reviews. Is there a link to access reviews they give hosts?

I’ve almost always leave a response - just “Thank you, John, for your kind words, it was lovely to meet (or host) you and Jane, and your sweet dog, Trigger.” Or as above with “… so glad your little girl/boy had fun with the Legos.” Where apt I include some detail, even if only the guest’s name, so it will read as personal rather than boiler-plate.

It never occurred to me that it would be seen as unprofessional or nuts. The opposite in fact, I think it shows that you don’t see your guests as mere ships passing in the night who only represent $$$ to you - few people like that. Plus verifies the guest’s assessment of you for future guests as being warm and/or welcoming. Also, people who bring pets don’t often mention that fact in their review, so I make sure to mention the pet so potential guest readers with pets will feel confident in booking my place - ditto the toys if that is the case but not mentioned in the review. That is, for sure, a little bit of self-promotion but, I think, subtle enough not to be percieved as that.


If you don’t have that Chrome plug-in program, you just have to click on each individual host’s picture and scroll through their reviews until you find the one from that guest.