When hosts respond publicly to private feedback

@Emily makes some good points on not replying to reviews here:

(She was replying to me, thinking I was the OP of the topic–so talks about the OP’s listing, but her comments still stand)

I think she’s right, so I don’t leave public responses any more. Potential guests are looking for info from guests, not my replies, when looking at reviews. I save my personal touches for when the guest stays, leaving personal notes etc. I leave them a nice “private response” when I leave them their review as well. Just food for thought, there are different ways to look at it.:face_with_monocle:
But I like your point about pets, if they didn’t mention in their review…

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I totally disagree. If I’m a guest looking at reviews, I absolutely want to see that personal touch so that I know there is a real person behind the computer screen, not just some big, hands-off property management company or something.


I do use Airbnb as a guest and I determine who is running it by looking at the listing. Plenty of property management companies reply to reviews. If the the reply seems defensive, controlling, wierd, or like the host has a chip on their shoulder, especially if the public review is nice, I eliminate that listing from contention. If it’s short, sweet and friendly, it’s not a problem. I don’t mind replies at all as I think they have saved me from booking with some hosts who would be a poor match for my personality.


I totally see your point @jkamm, but I kinda realized that guests have to do a lot of extra scrolling/clicking through the review section to get past my comments and to actual reviews. As an in-home host, the reviews I get from guests are totally personal, and mention all sorts of nice things about me and my space, so I think they speak for themselves. However, it sounds like you may be renting a whole house? If so maybe your guest interaction is minimal so you like to comment on each review. Which makes sense to me as well. Whatever works for you! I’m sure there is no right or wrong way!


Did you get it to work in the end? Sorry, I’m not very techie minded so not sure what to advise. If I remember rightly, you don’t actually download it - it’s an “extension” so you just add it? Maybe check your chrome extensions tab and make sure the AirReview one is activated?

@GentleHart and @jkamm, I had loads of trouble getting this to work. After much perseverance it finally started working. There is another thread on this. Loads of people having trouble and then it just started working after re-boots and patience!

It was in response to the post:

No, but to be truthful ive not tried it again. It seems a bit hit and miss. I wonder why Air don’t make it easier for us?

Giving up until I get desperate!!

No good deed goes unpunished - will I ever learn? Am tempted to respond to guest, but probably won’t - at issue: They asked for a military discount and when 5% was not enough, I gave a 15% discount. They had 4 small children - I generally don’t allow any children. Don’t know exactly why I said ok. They pulled the curtain down in one of the bedrooms by accident - I forgave and did not mention in the review as it is an easy fix. …then the bad PERSONAL review and rating of location -not convenient enough - fully documented it is in a suburban neighborhood, 1 block to bus service - 5 mins to metro train system… and the cleanliness issue, which comes up every time there is nothing else to complain about - have professional cleaners in, still get complaints - It is an small old house and the weekend weather was heavy rain, damp and on the chilly side. I did their laundry - baby diapers and all, gave deep military discount and gave special exception for babies in the house - still received a poor rating - of course, none of this was mentioned in the public or private review. Just can’t win sometimes. Thanks for listening


[Insert curse words and politically incorrect thoughts here]

It’s easy to get suckered into offering a discount for military but when they don’t show respect in return, it’s infuriating. I’d also like to suggest that if someone has 4 small children, subsidizing that famiy’s budget isn’t your problem.

Anyway, I wouldn’t respond unless you feel they put something inaccurate in the review.

Always review honestly regardless of other factors. Pulling a curtain is just a fact and since the vast majority of guests don’t pull anything down or off the wall then maybe when they do it’s worth mentioning?

Don’t beat yourself up. Posting here probably helps to reinforce and review the lesson so you’ll learn faster. :wink:


Thanks, to both of you for your response. Appreciate - yes, lessons learned - no more discounts and no more exceptions. I’m going to let it go - just needed to vent. I’m glad for this forum - it takes the edge off. ((:>)


:clinking_glasses: :wine_glass: Cheers!

Here is a doozy I found when using the Superhost filter when searching for a place to stay on an upcoming trip.


Not to mention those pesky uncles!


These are all from the same host on a well known Greek Island, I was really interested in staying there but wouldn’t because of the hosts responses:



@Poppy Wow!!! This guy is unreal.

He’s pretty impressive isn’t he!! That’s just in the first 2 pages of reviews, I haven’t gone any further but I sent it my daughter for a laugh and she said she spent the whole evening going through his comments as they were so mind boggling.

Do you think I should send him a link to this forum or is he past help?

I think he enjoys it, the comments are quite creative. He would make an excellent Greek Basil Fawlty character.


You are spot on there! I hadn’t thought of that.