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Reverse psychology is needed here Astaire to counter act what they are saying. You have to tell airbnb you felt dehumanised by the accusation about your character because there were no locks on the door , they were only steps away from labelling you a thief.
You felt irreverence or disrespected by the comments about an alleged smell, you welcomed these people into your home in the spirit of airbnb, you they made you feel uncomfortable and violated.
I’m gathering my thoughts and ideas before speaking to Airbnb, so I’m forceful when I do call them. And of course, many of the ideas are from here, thanks to all the wonderful people who’ve helped.
Have you had need to call them before? It’s good that you’re gathering thoughts and ideas but you also need to channel young California-speak. It can be challenging.
The funny thing about their review of mine is, they’ve laid out the background with a bit of drama in the beginning, also including a few positive things about my service (all the info I gave them, I met them on time etc etc, to sound ‘balanced’ I suppose), and… when someone’s browsing my reviews, they only see the positive bit unless they click ‘+ More’
Just have your tall venti frappiciuno ready and be sure to use a lot of hipster words and phrases like
I hope this email finds you well,
Have a lovely day
I see you’re a wonderful host with a lot of great reviews. You’ll recover from this!
Don’t worry, you can always respond to a bad review!
British comedian Milton Jones: “When I was in America, I tried to get into the culture. The guy in the shop said ‘Have a nice day!’. I didn’t. So I sued him.”
Morbidly obese martial arts helped lose weight How come you feel it’s ok to be rude about fat people? News alert, it’s not. People who do are ignorant and insensitive. Obesity is not always due to overeating, it can be caused by dieting. There is strong medical eveidence supporting my statement. There are also very strong genetic causes that preclude people from losing weight.
You obviously caused her pain and she reacted with the martial arts thing. Did it make you feel good to be rude to this woman?
_tt depends what time of day you call._If during the morning, it seems to be somewhere in Eastern Europe. If I call after midday, I usually find myself having the craic!
Monty Python didn’t make fun of fat people, or people with mental illness. But then, they ere not only very funny, but highly intelligent and caring people. they didn’t need to make themselves big by making others less.
My mother taught me that ignorant people show themselves for the small-minded bullies they are. She taught me to stand up for people who were being bullied and abused.
My postgraduate degree in evidenced based health care supports my statements.