Washer/Dryer question

Yes but you didn’t have it there and you don’t know it didn’t bother them.

I don’t charge for use of my washer or dryer and it is very rarely abused, IMO it comes across as super stingy when people charge unless it’s like a special service not normally offered or in their own home and I am offsite in a bungalow etc. If I stay anywhere longer than 2 days I like to wash so for me I might not look for this in a search filter but I would pick this listing over an otherwise similar one.

Remember if you don’t offer it, said person can easily hand wash jeans and dry with a hairdryer, much worse for the environment and you’d never know- so let it go. Just leave 2 lots of prepackaged washing liquid things (like pods) so they can only do 2 washes per week etc if you want a disincentive.

The main problem here is your communication and the 2nd access to the machine.

If you say you’re going to charge, charge. On 3 ocassions you didn’t and then complain. Don’t enable guests access to machine when you are not there (lock the PowerPoint) and if you can’t, don’t be surprised if guests use it when you are not there and don’t pay. £3 sounds like a lot but if you don’t enforce it what’s the point, just makes you look scabby and they get it for free anyway. Up your rate £3 a day and offer 1 free wash during stay.

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I think that is a good idea. Put in the description, rules, remind them, etc that they get 1 free wash during their stay. In that case, I would prepare ahead and plan to do my washing at an appropriate time during my trip, instead of washing say, the first day.

Hehe. :slight_smile:

I doubt that it will. We offer a washer and dryer that are both coin-operated (4 quarters for each machine). We provide quarters and laundry liquid for guests who want to use the laundry facilities but they very rarely do. I think I can count the number of guests who have done so on one hand.

It was this forum that taught me the term “budgie smuggler”. I googled it because I’d never heard of it. There were a couple of photos featuring a parrot sticking his head out the waistband and one showing just the tail feathers. LOL.

One time I saw a photo of an Elvis impersonator who was wearing a r-e-a-l-l y tight white jumpsuit, and a reader’s comment was, “Elvis, the plum-smuggler”.

I didn’t have to look that one up.


If you think it’ll help with bookings won’t charging extra do the opposite?

Either include it or don’t and come to grips with the fact that some guests will use it to was one pair of underwear.