Warning! Don't depend on Airbnb!

Thanks Jaquo. Now dont laugh too hard…I have a cottage in a huge, for the city, yard and a Koi pond. So I built a site called Bedbathandapond.com which can not get past bedbathand beyond unless you add Nashville to the search.
Now I have to figure out a better url and feel creatively stuck.
How do people search? Randomly or location?

How do folks find your website? And I would love to see it/them.

I think that’s a brilliant domain name :slight_smile:

This is my travel site and this is the ‘where to stay’ section which features several members’ listings. (And a few other random places that look to be fun places).

cottagewithapond.com not taken…I think

Yes, brilliant but unfindable even if you type in the exact name.com! SO Funny.

Your travle site is charming…want a destination in Nashville or Nastyville as the locals call it. My apt is a mid century add on to the oldest house in Nashville built 1800 and in the best of the hot neighborhoods in town.

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Maybe musicandapond…please, suggestions!

Cool one too. Could go either way; the aura/essence of the place or the description route.