VRBO Changing Payout Timing

@PitonView and @georgygirlofairbnb - not sure if you already have the scoop on today’s Town Hall. I did my best to capture what I could. Qualifying for early in-house payment today is no guarantee you will keep it when assessment time comes around.

What email did you and @PitonView get? Mine only gave me an option to sign up for YapStone 3% early pay. I didn’t see anything that said 45 days, or 45-90 days. They kept saying that in the webinar.

BUT…I never did click on anything in my email!

I am going to defer to @PitonView to provide additional information

@cabinhost -
I received a generic email from Vrbo (we listed with Vrbo and not HA). It informed me about the Yapstone change, then invited us to “upgrade” to their in-house processor. The only comment about “early” payouts was: "Eligible partners should expect an invite within 45 days. "

Then after I “upgraded”, I received an email welcoming us and saying “Disbursement type: Early Payments”.

I know some other owners and the whole thing appears to be their typical “secret sauce” of deciding who is and who isn’t accepted to “early” payments.

We haven’t had a booking since then, so I can’t verify whether it’s working or not.

So it’s not based on paying an extra fee (3%, I think)?

Thanks. You’re in the like flint camp then. They changed that 45 day invite email to you’re immediately in.

No extra fee currently.

Talk is cheap. I’ll believe it when I get the first “early” payout.
I’ve warned my DH that we may have to dip into savings to cover expenses for a few months. We’ve got high routine expenses - we have several full-time staff that live paycheck-to-paycheck and depend on us.

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